Dry Bean Growers – Scout for WBC NOW!

These next two weeks are critical for western bean cutworm scouting and management in dry beans.  Peak moth flight took place at the end of July and pod feeding is typically expected 10 to 21 days after peak flight.  Huron County is particularly at risk given the very high moth count for that county this year (over 26,000 moths so far) but all dry beans in Ontario should be scouted these next few weeks to determine if management is necessary.  Any field with pods right now are at risk.

Pod feeding by WBC (Photo Credit: Chris Difonzo. MSU)

Look in particular for holes and feeding scars starting on the pods.  There could also be some leaf feeding by the younger larvae, however unless you can actually find the larvae, it is difficult to prove that it was western bean cutworm that did the leaf feeding and not another insect.  If pod feeding is present, a spray is necessary.  Make sure that there are pods and pod feeding present as this is the best stage and timing to achieve good control of WBC.  Matador is registered on dry beans for WBC control.

DRY BEAN FIELDS WANTED FOR SPRAY TRIAL – If you find a dry bean field that has pod feeding, call me (519-674-1696) or message me on this site before you spray.  Chris Gillard and I are looking for fields with WBC to test new insecticide chemistries for registration in dry beans. We really hope to have more products in our tool box to control this insect in the future.

One thought on “Dry Bean Growers – Scout for WBC NOW!

  1. Tracy: You mentioned that WBC moves to dry beans from corn. I believe you also said it could move to sweet corn or SNAP beans as well. Has it been found in snap beans in Ontario? Thanks!

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