Recurring weed control questions

Find below recurring questions I’ve been asked lately and my response.

Q: Do you have a list of new soybean herbicides with details of what they are, what they control and when they should be applied?

A: Find a summary that includes a weed control rating table here:

New Soybean Herbicide Comparisons 2014_Final

Q: How does weed control with Fierce compare to other herbicide programs in soybean?

A: Here is a summary of comparative trial work done over the past 3 seasons:

Comparative Trial Summary

Q: What is going to provide the best control of glyphosate resistant Canada fleabane in corn, soybean and winter wheat.

A: The latest information based on Ontario research and a review of the peer-reviewed literature can be found here.

Q: I have glyphosate resistant giant ragweed and I want to use 2,4-D Ester pre-plant but given how this spring has gone (rain, rain and rain), I’m concerned I won’t be able to apply it to the labelled 7 days prior to planting. What is the risk of planting before 7 days have passed?

A: There is a greater risk of crop injury when the labelled pre-plant interval is not followed, this was addressed in an older post. However, this must be weighed against yield loss from poorly control giant ragweed, which can easily reduce yield by 30% or greater (depending on the amount of giant ragweed and the level of control).