Natural Air Drying of Corn

This graph shows the estimated time for natural air drying of corn, with and without additional heat added.

Farmers who may be struggling to get corn dried this year are looking for alternate options.  It is possible to use natural (unheated) air to dry the corn.  Natural air drying is gentle and does not require any specialized equipment, other than a grain bin with a reasonably-sized fan, and maybe a small heater.  However, […]

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Storing Wet Corn Safely

This graphic shows a grain bin and highlights the centre core where fines collect.

Many grain farmers may have questions about storing and drying corn this year, with recent propane shortages and a lot of wet corn still in the field.  Decisions for harvesting corn will vary from farm to farm based on local conditions and factors (corn moisture, distance to alternative dryers, crop standability).  Some farmers may already […]

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