SCN Survey of Dry Bean Fields in Perth and Oxford Counties

Background Although named for its affliction on soybean plants, soybean cyst nematode (SCN) can cause comparable damage to dry edible bean crops, and can adversely affect yields and economic benefit, as well as the future use of Ontario’s current dry bean-producing land. Poor yields associated with SCN infestation can be exacerbated by other environmental factors […]

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Forage Options Following Wheat

With winterkill, winter injury and low first-cut yields in many parts of Ontario as well as higher land costs, there is interest in following winter wheat and other cereals with a forage crop to help supplement inventories. Not only can this approach produce some extra feed, it also provides cover crop benefits. There are a few double-crop forage options […]

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Avoiding, Preparing For and Reacting to Harvest Fires

Wheat harvest 2020 is right around the corner! The conditions are dry in those fields! Once the rush starts it will be “all hands on deck” But remember the slew of harvest/field fires that occurred in July 2016/17/18 under similar dry conditions.  Harvest fires result in a financial, emotional and environmental burden to the farm and risks the lives of farm personal, local fire departments and the public and uses firefighting resources. Make sure you are prepared before harvest begins! […]

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