Winning with Notill Series – Crop Chats

Welcome to the inaugural Crop Chats series of video case studies.

This series explores a number of Ontario farmers journey to a Notill or almost Notill cropping system for the grain crops enterprise. They will each highlight that journey addressing their soil types, equipment, philosophy and practical tips on how they have made Notill successful for them. A unique feature of this series is the farmers willingness to share their contact information with you and encouragement to reach out to them with questions or comments. These farmers have made great successes with their systems while eliminating or greatly reducing the tillage component. They are happy to share their experience and enthusiasm with you on what has worked and not worked on their journey to Notill.

Enjoy and check back occasionally for new content added to the series.

Please click on the links below for each of the episodes.


  1. Winning with Notill – Denotter Family – Essex Cty – Clays
  2. Winning with Notill – Belan Family – Lambton Cty – Clays
  3. Winning with Notill – Dyck Family – Niagara Region – Clays
  4. Winning with Notill – Baresich Family – Middlesex Cty– Sandy Loams
  5. Winning with Notill – Sickle Family – Brant Cty – Sandy Loams
  6. Winning with Notill – Harvey Family – Simcoe Cty – Loams
  7. Winning with Notill – Grubb Family – Bruce Cty