Forage Report: Week of April 16th, 2012

There is a significant increase in acres of new forage seedings. Many forage seedings are already in the ground. Ensure good seed-to-soil contact by preparing a firm seedbed. Forage inventories are exceptionally low for this time of year, with record high hay prices being reported. Frost Damaged Alfalfa: A considerable amount of alfalfa was damaged […]

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2011 Soybean Crop Seasonal Summary

Challenges and opportunities for the 2012 soybean crop Soybean acres continue to increase. Shorter crop rotations will mean soybean growers have to be vigilant in selecting disease resistant varieties, scouting their crop, and applying inputs when required to prevent crop losses resulting from short rotations. Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) can become a problem in short […]

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Monitoring Early Crop Development

Challenging planting conditions could affect crop emergence and early development. Additionally, a significant portion of the corn and soybean acreage was planted with limited opportunity for pre-emergence herbicide application. These factors will increase the importance of early crop scouting and staging to assess stands establishment and determine proper timing of post-emergence herbicide application. Stand Establishment […]

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