Winter wheat is heading rapidly. Wheat west of London will be ready for fusarium sprays by the weekend, with the crop north and east following closely. Stripe rust and high aphid numbers have been found in Chatham-Kent. Scout! Threshold is 50 aphids/stem after heading. Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) symptoms are showing at surprising levels in many fields, vectored by aphids. Armyworm is present at low levels. Armyworm insecticides control aphids. Mildew levels remain high in lush fields.
Spring cereals are progressing rapidly with early fields at second node (GS32). Disease levels in rainfall areas are increasing while dry areas remain clean. High aphid numbers and BYDV in winter cereals make scouting essential in spring cereals. Threshold of 12 aphids/stem warrant control prior to heading. Remember that oats must have a fungicide applied at flag leaf to control crown rust, as genetic resistance has been lost.