Crop Conditions – Week of May 2nd, 2024

Frequent rains and wet soils across the province have slowed or prevented field work. Soil compaction is likely to be an issue this year, especially for farmers trying to get manure spread ahead of spring planting. Fertilizer has been moving out to farms with storage. Retailers are full and ready to apply product once soil […]

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Palmer amaranth found in Ontario

It was only a matter of time before Palmer amaranth was found on a farm in Ontario. Although technically it was found back in 2007 along a rail line outside of Niagara Falls, surveillance of that area in the years following have never detected any plants since the initial finding. In late summer, an individual […]

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Tank mixing urease and nitrification inhibitors in corn weed-and-feed applications

This article is based on work performed by Mike Schryver, BASF Technical Service Specialist. It was originally published at, and you may have been redirected here from that site. Introduction Nitrogen is an essential nutrient required throughout a plant’s lifecycle. It is commonly applied to corn in either a granular form as urea or […]

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The Crop Protection Hub -How does it work?

All of OMAFRA’s pest management publications have been digitized into the Crop Protection Hub. While we have received positive feedback on this tool, we do understand that some prefer the print publications. We are working on a print solution from the Crop Protection Hub that we hope meets those needs. If you would like to […]

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