Crop sensitivity to herbicides.

For over 30 years, the Ontario Agriculture Colleges (OAC) “weed’s team” has competed in the Collegiate Weed Science Competition organized by the North Eastern Weed Science Society. In preparation for the “herbicide identification” portion of the competition, each year an area at the Elora Research Station is planted to a number of different crop and […]

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Soybean – Weeds Free?

Previously we discussed the possible benefits of using a pre-emergence soil applied herbicide application in a 2-pass weed management plan.  Those benefits include protecting yield, providing a wider window for a post-emergence application and as a resistance management strategy. In this installment we look at the effect of weed emergence, following a pre-emergence application, on […]

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Problem Weed Guide

Volume 1 of the inaugural “Problem Weed Guide for Ontario Crops” includes management strategies for 19 species in corn, soybean and cereal crops that is cited from work conducted by the University of Guelph Department of Plant Agriculture as well as other peer reviewed studies. This 176 page guide features over 175 images and 50 […]

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Has the adoption of genetically engineered (GE) crops resulted in more herbicide resistant weeds in Ontario?

The increased acreage of genetically engineered (GE) crops planted in Ontario has not led to an increase in herbicide resistant weeds according to results from the University of Guelph’s testing laboratory. Table 1 summarizes the number of species confirmed as resistant to common herbicides used in Ontario over the past 40 years. There are currently […]

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Should 2,4-D be used to control weeds in emerged winter wheat during the fall?

Co-written by Joanna Follings, Cereal Specialist Should you use 2,4-D to emerged wheat in the fall to control weeds? The short answer is no. First, the label clearly states under the “Application Timing” section: “Do not apply to seedling winter cereals in the fall.” Second, there are other labelled and less injurious herbicide options that provide […]

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Controlling common burdock

Effective control of common burdock doesn’t happen overnight and is most successful when you can control new seedlings in the spring followed by controlling any larger first year plants in the fall so that they don’t overwinter, flower and disperse new seed the following year . Common burdock (Arctium minus) is a biennial that reproduces only […]

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