Canola & Coffee Speaker Series: Clubroot Q&A

Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald, pathologist at University of Guelph, and Keith Gabert, agronomist in Alberta with Canola Council of Canada, share their knowledge and experience working with clubroot disease of canola. Hosts Will Runnalls, chair of the Ontario Canola Growers Association, and Meghan Moran, canola specialist with OMAFA, ask these experts all the questions producers […]

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Canola & Coffee Speaker Series: Direct Harvesting

Four Ontario producers share their knowledge and experience direct harvesting canola. Terry Phillips grows spring canola in Temiskaming District. Michael Doelman farms in Renfrew County, and typically grows spring canola but has one crop of winter canola under his belt. Jerry Drudge has switched from spring to winter canola on his farm in Huron County. […]

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Clubroot is Becoming Commonplace

Clubroot is no longer hiding. Canola producers in Northeastern Ontario have reported symptoms over the past 5 to 8 years and there were certainly fields with yield loss in the past few years that generated concern. But in 2024 above-ground symptoms were more obvious in Temiskaming District. Patches in fields matured early or died prior […]

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Is your winter canola ready to be harvested?

Winter canola harvest will be happening soon in the southern counties of Ontario. Some producers and the researchers at AAFC Harrow have already applied a pre-harvest herbicide last week. Here are some resources on staging the crop for harvest. Resources from Canola Council of Canada and Kansas State U have been used to develop this […]

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Cutworms of All Kinds

It is safe to call 2024 a good pest year. Mild winters and warm springs tend to help pests overwinter well or expand their range further than usually and get ahead of crops when soil conditions delay planting. Armyworm and cereal leaf beetle are continuing to show up in some wheat fields, while some grubs […]

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Canola & Coffee Speaker Series

Five canola specialists from outside the province were invited to join Ontario producers and agronomists and share their canola expertise in a series of online meetings held from February 9 to March 9, 2022.Those meetings were recorded and the videos are posted below. Each meeting starts with a presentation by the guest speaker (approx. 30 […]

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Managing Nitrogen for Canola

At a recent virtual speaker series on canola topics, John Heard, Soil Specialist with Manitoba Ag, joined Ontario growers to answer questions on fertilizing canola. A canola crop needs 3 to 3.5 lbs of nitrogen (N) per bushel of grain produced. In spring canola production in Ontario, granular fertilizer is typically broadcast ahead of planting. […]

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Growing Winter Canola in Ontario — Spring: Assess Plant Health and Fertilize

Vegetative/Reproductive Overwintering Growth resumes when average temperatures reach 5°C but will be slow until it is consistently warm. Leaves may have rotted off or be discoloured but the centre of the rosette should be green. Determine the population of healthy plants. 5 plants/ft2 or more is ideal. 3-4 plants/ft2 is acceptable. 1-2 plants/ft2 can be […]

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