Update on Swede Midge in Western Canada

We have all heard, or seen firsthand, the devastating effects of high populations of swede midge. Research continues on the pest, but at this time there are not many advancements to report that will provide big steps forward in swede midge control. Managing this pest requires investment in pheromone traps and possibly multiple insecticide treatments, […]

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2014 Canola Harvest – Managing Crops with Varied Maturity

By Brian Hall, OMAF/MRA, Stratford Many 2014 canola crops had a markedly varied emergence. Variable soil moisture conditions, lack of rain, uneven seeding depth and/or deep seeding were all were major factors in when canola emerged this year. For growers this could mean maturity variations and challenges at harvest. When managing these fields, harvest management […]

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Direct Harvest: Do you need a desiccant or a pre-harvest glyphosate?

By Brian Hall, OMAF/MRA,  Stratford Green stalks, weeds and uneven ripening can all be a problem at harvest. Late season rains following a extended dry period can often result in canola stalks staying green or result in canola regrowth further delaying harvest. Desiccants or pre-harvest glyphosate products can help with timely defoliation and reduce yield […]

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As temperatures warm up, flea beetles are emerging and on the move. Feeding damage is evident in early emerged canola. Peak emergence from overwintering sites occurs once soil temperatures reaches 150  C (60 0  F). Depending on temperatures, flea beetles can take up to 3 weeks for all adults to emerge. Adults emerge overwinter in […]

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Watch for Flea Beetles this Spring

Once canola starts to emerge, start scouting for flea beetles. Flea beetles are now very active and present in emerged canola.  Canola will emerge quickly with forecast temperatures in high teens for the next week. Flea beetle damage is most severe the first two weeks after canola  after canola seedling emergence. At the 3-4 leaf  stage […]

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Evaluating Frost Damaged Canola

Canola seedlings can with stand a considerable frost (-5 to -8 0 C) if plants have become acclimatized following a few days of cold temperatures.  However, canola seedlings growing under warm conditions will be tender, and can be killed by even a few degrees below zero. Ice crystals will form on the leaf surface before […]

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