Wild Parsnip Control

Wild parsnip is a common weed in eastern Ontario, and is spreading in many other parts of the province. It is a biennial, or short-lived perennial (Figure 1). While wild parsnip does not have the notoriety of giant hogweed, its sap does contain some of the same chemicals (furanocoumarins). When these compounds come in contact […]

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Herbicide resistant weed testing: University of Guelph lab results, 2013

Below is a summary of all weed samples sent into the University of Guelph by producers and agronomists that suspected resistance to a particular herbicide during the 2012 season. Also included are herbicide options with different modes of action that are effective on each species. The latest summary of glyphosate resistant Canada fleabane and Giant […]

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Comparing Herbicide Programs in Identity Preserved (IP) Soybean

Co-Authors: Dr. Peter Sikkema, Dr. Clarence Swanton & Dr. François Tardif (University of Guelph) Field studies at Elora and Woodstock have evaluated soybean herbicide treatments based on their weed control efficacy and the yield protection they provided. Important differences were found among those treatments (Table 1). Table 1. Average visual control of broadleaf and grassy […]

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