More reports of WBC damage are coming in. Here is an updated list of sites with damage and or larvae found in Ontario:
Chatham- Kent (Dover Centre, Bothwell)
Lambton (Petrolia)
Middlesex (Wardsville, Appin, Glencoe)
Elgin (Rodney)
Huron (Blyth, Clinton, Exeter, Dashwood, Holmesville, Belgrave)
Bruce (Walkerton, Kincardine)
Simcoe (Alliston, Barrie, Stayner)
Durham (Kinsale, Lindsay, Brooklin)
Victoria (Dunsford)
Peterborough (Millbrook)
Dundas (Chesterville)
I will be attending a meeting this week with my US counterparts where we will be discussing what each state/province has observed with regards to WBC and soybean aphids. I will give an update next week on any new information from the meeting.