Western Bean Cutworm 2010 Trap Results for the Great Lakes Region







2010 Western Bean Cutworm Trap Results for the Great Lakes Region.  Numbers indicate the average number of moths accumulated per trap by county for the 2010 season.  Shaded counties reported having WBC damage.  Purple counties experienced economic damage (spray required or significant feeding found).
*click on map to expand*

Facts about WBC Trapping in 2010:

1.   1084 WBC traps were monitored in the Great Lakes Region in 2010.

2.   200,747 moths were captured in the region; a significant increase from 2009.

3.  Thornloe Ontario (Timiskaming region) captured the most northern moths collected on record.

4.  Moths are being captured as far east as Long Island, New York and Montmagney, Quebec

5.  The average number of moths accumulated per trap in the GLR was 185.  Michigan averaged 402 moths per trap, Indiana averaged 234 while Ontario averaged 110 moths per trap.

6.  Peak flight occured during the weeks of July 5th for Indiana and Ohio, July 19th for Michigan and Pennsylvania, July 26th for Ontario and Quebec and August 1st for New York.  The Timiskaming region traps in Ontario peaked during the week of July 12th indicating that these moths were blown in via storm fronts.

7.  The number of moths captured at each trap site does not strongly relate to infestation levels and feeding damage found in the adjacent field.  However, traps do help determine the presence of moths and when peak moth flight takes place (which indicates when peak egg laying and scouting needs to take place).

Trapping will continue in 2011.  If you are interested in participating in the Ontario trap network, please email us at:  wbctrapnetwork@gmail.com.

I want to thank all of my colleagues for sharing their trap data so that this map could be produced:

Chris DiFonzo, Michigan State University;

Christian Krupke, Purdue University;

Andy Michel and Ron Hammond, Ohio State University;

John Tooker, Penn State University;

Keith Waldron, Cornell University;

Jocelyn Smith, Cheryl Trueman and Chris Gillard, University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus;

Claude Parent, MAPAQ, Quebec;

Funding for Ontario’s Trap Network was provided in part by the Grain Farmers of Ontario, OMAFRA through the Agriculture Adaptation Council’s Ontario Research Development (ORD) Program, the Ontario Coloured Bean Growers Association and the Ontario White Bean Producers.  We would like to thank all co-operators including growers, ag.industry reps, retailers and extension staff who monitored traps.  A special thanks to the technicians and summer students involved including Suzanne Schaafsma, Katrina Schaafsma, Jennifer Bruggeman, Brianna Vyn, Morgan Kluka, Kaitlyn Madge, Steve Willis and Mike Jewett.

One thought on “Western Bean Cutworm 2010 Trap Results for the Great Lakes Region

  1. There are several studies explaining how the spread of
    the western bean cutworm is fostered by growing genetically
    engineered corn. Apparently it is a case of so-called pest
    replacement. This is a phenomenon previously observed in
    intensive agriculture, where there is a massive use of pesticides.
    Pest replacement opens up new ecological niches in
    which other competitors (pests) can thrive. In this case Cry1Ab
    expressed by genetically engineered corn is not only active
    against the European corn borer but also active against the
    corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea). This latter pest feeds not
    only on corn but is also cannibalistic to other pest insects such
    as the western bean cutworm. The corn earworm is sensitive
    to the Bt toxin Cry1Ab, while the western bean cutworm is not.
    Thus the equilibrium situation between the two insect pests can
    be significantly changed. Interaction between the western
    bean cutworm and the corn earworm was confirmed in 2010,
    showing the spread of the western bean cutworm is in fact
    fostered by the cultivation of Bt corn expressing Cry1Ab.
    Damages caused by the western bean cutworm can even
    exceed those caused by the European corn borer in conventional
    plants. .

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