Synopsis: Wheat is advancing quickly and many fields at flag leaf stage. Disease pressure is low in most wheat fields. Corn planting is 75%-100% complete. Soybeans are 50-80% planted. Heavy rains and soil crusting in Arthur-Orangeville-Shelburne area has resulted in some replanting of corn and canola. Edible bean planting has started.
Corn: Increased use of pre-emerge herbicide this year. Dry weather a concern with activation of pre-emerge herbicides. A few replants of corn due to crusting or very early plantings (Simcoe area) where populations below 18-20,000 ppa. In most cases early plantings are okay with lots of 20 – 24,000 ppa. In a few early planted fields, some corn seed appears to have never imbibed moisture or germinated (Deb Campbell). Some thought that the seed may have been frozenwith -70 C soil temperatures. Fair amount of rotary hoeing in areas with crusting. Emergence in most areas is excellent. New Ontario corn replant calculator is available that can be downloaded here. Early planted corn at 2-3 leaf.
Cereals: Wide variation in wheat stage between fields which should help in timing for fungicide application. Leaf disease pressure low in most fields. Wheat is short for crop stage. Cereal leaf beetle spraying in South Simcoe area with wide variation in stage of larvae that may require second application. One CLB adult or larvae per stem warrants control, especially in the earlier stages of the crop (before heading). For more information Some tank contamination problems, mostly with growers’ sprayers, end caps not being cleaned out. Need to remind growers on proper tank cleanout; ester herbicide formulations very effective at picking up residual herbicide in tanks. Considerable variations in size of wheat heads, with quite a few small heads, but not clear if this is variety related.
Soybeans: Soybeans planted in some areas 2 weeks ago still waiting on moisture to germinate. Planting is 50-80% complete. Emergence is excellent in fields with adequate moisture at planting depth. Beans need to be planted into moisture, meaning planting at 2.5″ deep in some fields.
Forages: First cut yields to date have been very disappointing. Need to evaluate reason for poor alfalfa stands. In past few years, growers in some cases have been ignoring critical fall harvest dates. Using a shovel, dig alfalfa roots, rinse the soil off in a pail, and use a knife to cut open the root and crown. Look for crown and root rots, brownish discolouration and spongy texture. A lack of secondary roots and nodulation are additional symptoms to look for. Plant health is often more significant than plant density to a successful yield. If you suspect brown root rot, send to the Pest Diagnostic Lab for positive Id. OMAFRA would like to survey these fields.
Canola: High flea beetle pressure in most areas. The economic threshold is 50% feeding damage, but 25% threshold allows time to get field sprayed. Some fields sprayed for flea beetle last week, are in need of control again. In some cases only the outside of field needs to be resprayed as flea beetles migrate in from field margins. Foliar insecticides have contact activity so need to spray when conditions are sunny and warm. Replanting in Orangeville-Arthur-Shelburne area due to crusting, heavy rainfall. Canola populations are lower than normal due to tough spring; frosts, wind damage, water damage and flea beetles.
Agricorp: Very few corn replants to date. Agricorp wants to inspect corn fields where grower completed all corn planting in April. In few cases, corn stands of less than 20,000 ppa have been released for replanting, where stands of 22-24,000 have been kept.
Crop Insurance deadlines:
June 15: Last day to report unseeded acreage.
June 30: Spring seeded final acreage reports due.
July 10: Premiums due.
Publication 812 – Field Crop Protection Guide is available at any resource center, or by calling ServiceOntario Publications, 1-800-668-9938 or 416-326-5300.
CropLine – 1-888-449-0937
CropPest Website –
Next Meeting: Tuesday June 5th, 7:30 am.
Felix Weber’s – Agricoach, Palmerston
[Road 178, 1stroad west of Palmerston on highway 23, #5929]
Confirmation of attendance is not required.
Please direct any questions, comments or agenda items you may have to:
Brian Hall, OMAFRA, Stratford 519-271-0083 or
Ian McDonald, OMAFRA, Guelph 519-824-4120 (ext 5-6707) or