Minutes taken by Dan Docking.
Issues Raised.
- lack of alfalfa regrowth,
- fungicide on corn,
- cutworm,
- leaf hoppers on edible beans,
- armyworm spraying,
- yellowing of new growth in soys, adzukis,
- hail damage in corn – fungicide application and timing,
- soybean aphids,
- double cropping soybeans.
Alfalfa Regrowth
- Based on the tough, dry spring many alfalfa plants lack root reserves
- Armyworm and Alfalfa Weevil are also causing issues in some areas
Fungicide on Corn
- There was discussion that fungicide applications should take place as soon as possible on hail damaged corn. Not everyone agrees that there is more of a benefit after hail damage
- Tears in the leaf tissue may provide an entry point for leaf disease
- When the corn plant is injured, there is the theory that an application of fungicide might have a greater yield response than on an uninjured plant, however, limited research trials have not been able to confirm this practice to date. Trials have shown similar response on hailed or undamaged corn
Soybean Aphids
- Small pockets in scattered areas
- North of London aphids are present in low numbers (20 to a plant)
- Small pockets in the Northern U.S., North Dakota specifically
Double Cropping Soybeans
- Will growers still attempt this?
- Based on the crop prices there will likely be some growers, who have early wheat to harvest, that will attempt this, in the deep southwest some should be planted by the long weekend
- The further wheat harvest is delayed, the less likely that this strategy will be attempted
- Some trials will be conducted with multiple varieties and maturities in a couple of locations
Yellowing of Soys and Adzukis
- New trifoliates coming in yellow
- Looks similar to Mn deficiency, although not likely considering soil types
- Is it a result of environmental stress? A compounding of stress factors could be resulting in the yellowed leaves, it may simply be a nitrogen deficiency. During the lag phase soybeans are growing vigorously but N fixation is not sufficient to provide all the N necessary. Dry conditions makes this problem even more prevelant
- Typically occurring on heavy ground and in various patches throughout the field
Leaf Hoppers and Western Bean Cutworm
- Time to start scouting for these pests
- Leaf Hoppers thrive in hot, dry weather and population is growing quickly
- Can cause significant damage to edible beans
- Western Bean Cutworm starting to show up in the trap network around southern Ontario
Weed Control Issues
- Growers and Spray Operators need to pay closer attention to water volumes and surfactant rates to ensure proper coverage
- Lambsquarter and Foxtail love the type of weather we’ve been experiencing in Ontario this year
- They are tougher to kill in the dry weather because there is typically less chemical uptake in dry conditions
- Make sure that herbicide tank mixes are combinations that won’t impact the efficacy of either product
- Mn foliar products will impact the efficacy of Glyphosate products
- Pay attention to product labels
Crop Tour of Huron Research Station
Edible Beans with Chris Gillard
Root Rot
- Product testing of a new seed treatment Rancona on edible beans
- Seed is inoculated with Fusarium prior to planting
- Plots where seed is was treated with Rancona show no visible effects of root rot
- Untreated seed plots show reduced stands as well as damaged or dead plants
- Rancona expected to be registered by 2014 for use in Canada
Soil Health and Nitrogen Interaction Study
- N is typically applied to edible beans in response to soil health issues
- Project is intended to study soil health measures and N rate interaction in edible beans
- Nitrogen rates of 0, 35, 70 and 105 pounds per acre are being used
- Locations for trials were picked based on various soil types, health, crop rotation, tillage history, etc.
- Measures of soil compaction, water infiltration, soil samples, aggregate stability will be taken
- Small plot and Strip plots in each of 7 locations, with measurements being taken from the small and strip plots
Weed Management Programs with Peter Sikkema
- Testing of a new product called “Sandea” (Group 2)
- 3 rates and 3 timing combinations were used
- Soil applied, pre emergence, post emergence
- Provides good broadleaf control
- Expected to be registered anytime now but has encountered various hurdles in the registration process in the recent past
Lorox Testing in Edible Beans
- Dual II Magnum and Lorox tank mix provides decent weed control
- Should only be used on “large market” beans like Kidney and Cranberry beans because they are less sensitive to Lorox than “small market” beans like White and Black beans
Safe Herbicides for use on Edibles Trial
- Herbicides sprayed on Adzuki beans
- Pursuit is ok
- Basagran, Authority, and Valtera show unacceptable levels of damage to plants
- Eragon + Frontier (Integrity) is market class specific, soybean rates can be used for Kidneys and Crans, but causes too much damage on Whites
New Herbicide Development in Corn
- Working on some new active ingredients as alternatives to Glyphosate
- Not “a lot” of new actives being developed
- Pyroxisulfone is one new active ingredient
- Effective grass herbicide with decent broadleaf control
Glyphosate Resistance/Alternatives in Soybeans
- In order to avoid, or deal with the presence of, glyphosate resistance it is important to get multiple modes of action
- Pre and post emergence programs, as recommended by a number of chemical companies, are being studied
- The idea is to have some weed control in the field before going in with glyphosate as a post emergence application
- Generally speaking its good to get a broad spectrum soil applied herbicide down and come back later with glyphosate, this strategy usually results in a similar yield regardless of the products used
Glyphosate Resistance/Alternatives in Corn
- Entries from various chemical companies for a 2 pass weed control program in corn
- Effectivness of products will depend on the weed spectrum encountered in the field and the soil type (pH can effect the efficacy of some products)
- Adjust the soil applied program based on the soil type
- Consider future crops carefully, like edible beans, to ensure they will not be affected by residuals left from the year before
Nitrogen Source Losses on Wheat with Shane McClure and Kaye McLagen
- Study to assess various nitrogen sources and their nitrogen loss rates
- Field scale trials with dosimeters under pails to simulate dry conditions after nitrogen application
- Ammonium sulphate and urea showed high N loss
- Urea treated with Agrotain, ESN, and Ammonium Nitrate showed lower rates of N loss
- The scale of N loss is not yet determined, the difference in N loss between all products could be as little as 1-5 lbs of actual N
Thanks to everyone who attended this years breakfast meetings. They were a great success.