Winchester Ag Breakfast Meeting Minutes – June 26, 2012

Rainfall has been sporadic across the region. Crops like corn are showing some drought stress with curling, pointed leaves. Areas south of Ottawa are fairing better with conditions dryer the further up the valley. Currently we are running about 150 Crop Heat Units ahead of the long-term normal for the area.

Cereals – Winter wheat is in the soft dough stage and starting to turn yellow. The later spring wheat is just finishing the flowering stage. The heat in the past several days has sped up the rate of maturity. The early planted spring cereals will be ready to harvest 10 to 15 days earlier than normal. Disease pressure is low and with the high temperature and dry weather, the risk of fusarium is low this year. Only a few pockets of cereals required spraying to control armyworm.

Forges – overall first cut yields were more than expected and the new, early direct seeded forages have now been cut with good yields. Leafhoppers have been a problem in new alfalfa seedings and in a few edible bean fields. For more information see: Armyworm was a problem in only a couple new seedling fields this spring. There is also some pressure from the Pea Aphids in the alfalfa stands. The early first-cut alfalfa stands are now in the bud stage and the second cutting will begin next week.

Soybeans – are flowering and most stands are quite uniform. Fields in soybeans for the first time should be checked for root nodulation. If plants are pale green and have less than 5 nodules per plant at the mid flowering period, it may be profitable to apply up to 45 lbs/acre of actual nitrogen. Thistle caterpillars have been found in several soybean fields. They chew and wrap leaves resulting in leaf defoliation, but usually does not result in significant yield loss. Paul Sullivan has found two aphids and Gilles Quesnel reported 20-50 per plant in Trenton area. The seed treatment is now at the end of its effectiveness for control aphids. Under extended periods of moisture, the pandora fungus will kill off the aphids. Scout to monitor aphid populations. Weed control – some earlier treatments not as effective, some post emerge, pre emerge worked well. In fields with weed escapes, see Soybean response to late herbicide applications at Field Crop News;

Corn – overall fields look good, but there is some variation in plant population. On early planted corn, populations dropped about 5000-6000 plants/acre. A few fields on the heavier soils in Russell County have received a few heavy rain events resulting in crusting and some replanting. Fungicides on corn should be applied from tassel peak until silks turn brown. It is estimated that first tassel will be about July 15th.

Crop Insurance deadlines: June 30th: Last day to report final acreage.

Eastern Ontario Crop Diagnostic Day will be held on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at the Winchester Research Farm, Kemptville Campus -University of Guelph

Crop Technology Contacts:

Scott Banks, 613-294-4436

Gilles Quesnel, 613-294-4457