Harvest is in high gear as far north as Mitchell, and starting in Bruce County. Yields are average, mostly 75 to 95 bu/ac. Poor fields are 60, with best fields at 110. Quality is excellent, with very low fusarium. Protein in hard reds is inconsistent. Sprouting in white wheat is an issue southwest of London (the rain zone). Most growers are harvesting at 15-16% moisture to avoid quality and yield loss. Straw is tough with late tillers causing and green kernels and heads in the sample.
Premature death of some plants has caused areas to appear “black” in the field. This is alternaria, a secondary infection with no yield impact. Growers should investigate to determine the cause of the early death.
Spring cereals continue their rapid pace of development, with high temperatures and dry conditions putting the lid on yield potential. Barley harvest is beginning.