Synopsis: 30% of wheat acres have had N applied. Yellow/brown/dead(?) wheat in low areas or on heavy soils from twice normal April rainfall. Few acres of corn planted, some spring cereals and new forage seedings. Winter annual weeds have bolted: control will be difficult (impossible). Soybean cyst nematode sampling project in Huron county: more SCN positive areas than expected. Growers trying longer day soys for higher yields should stay the course right through to June.
Wheat: Winter annual weeds have bolted and will be very hard to control in the wheat crop. Growers need to focus more on fall control: consensus that less than 5% of wheat gets fall weed control. Annuals are germinating with lady’s thumb and lamb’s quarter’s easy to find. N applied to date ranges from 10 to 40%, with 30% the average. Significant yellowing/browning of wheat in wet spots: concern over yield impact. If dry weather returns, yield recovery should be good in most of these areas. Some “tile run” wheat showing on heavy soils.
Some discussion in the countryside about sulphur acting as a nitrification inhibitor. North Dakota research showed that very high rates of Ammonium Thiosol (10 gal/ac) were required for any effect: and even at these rates the effect was about 1/2 of products like Agrotain or Agrotain Plus. Where nitrification inhibitors are desired, best recommendation is to include a true inhibitor product, and not count on sulphur.
Spring Cereals: Acreage is down and seeding dates are late. First cereals planted last week where growers missed the opportunity to frost seed.
Soybean: Discussion around the soybean cyst nematode survey being done in Huron County. Feedback from the group that there were more fields in Huron with SCN than realized. Some areas along the lake and on lighter soils have been growing predominantly SCN varieties for 3 years, due to yield impacts seen with non SCN varieties on infected fields.
Nitrogen on soybean does not increase yields At current yield levels, there is no benefit to applying N. Some growers are trying ultra long day (+250 CHU) soybean on a small portion of their acres not destined for wheat: research by Horst Bohner would indicate no need to shift away from those long day beans even if planting date is delayed to June. Yield increase will still be there, and the beans will mature.
Weed Control: NEVER apply ppi herbicides with streamer nozzles. Despite the incorporation aspect, distribution will not be acceptable and weed control will suffer.
Good herbicide programs in IP soybean all require a two pass program. Nu-Farm is now recommending the Valtera rate be increased to 75g (normal rate 56g) for better residual control: this still is unlikely to be an acceptable 1 pass program. Best programs in Ontario research can be found at Prowl H2O is registered only for pre-seed or ppi use. Coulter carts on no-till drills may cause enough soil throw out of the row area to reduce control: vertical tillage should help alleviate this concern.
Other: Considerable interest in the countryside in some of the foliar nutrient blends marketed to improve yields (Releaf Mn, Crop Booster, Root Grow Extra Special, etc). Some of these products have money back guarantees: be sure to do proper plots (2 rep minimum) and weigh the plots off to evaluate yield impacts. Many growers use these products but limited research exists, and the tendency on a $5/ac product is just to use it anyway, especially when crop prices are high. Research by Dr. Peter Sikkema showed antagonism with glyphosate of almost all products containing manganese (Mn): velvetleaf and lamb’s quarter’s control was compromised. If adding one of these product’s to a glyphoste application, be sure to increase the glyphosate rate.

Agricorp: May 1 is the last date to make changes to your production insurance policy. Wheat damage claims are extremely low: only 31 reports in all of Perth/Huron/Middlesex, and provincially only 3% of HRW and <1% of soft wheat acres have had damage reports filed. Normal damage reports are at 7-8%, and last year ran at 11%.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 14th, 2013: Malibu Restaurant, 7:00 am
Questions/Concerns? Contact Peter Johnson or Horst Bohner