Synopsis: Corn planting is 85% complete, with 10% of soys planted. Wheat has progressed rapidly, with earliest wheat pushing the flag leaf stage: soon beyond herbicide applications. A great deal of sulphur deficiency is showing in wheat. Fortunately frost was a near miss with little damage. Glyphosate resistant weeds have been positively identified in Huron county: growers need to manage as if they have them.
Corn: Emergence has been excellent in early fields, taking 8 to 10 days. Current cool temps are slowing this progress. Early areas are 90% plus planted, while later areas (clays, livestock areas with lots of manure to haul) range from just getting going to 50% planted.
Neonicotinoid’s and corn planting: We are aware that PMRA has been notified of some bee kills again this spring that coincide with the timing of corn planting in the area. Continue to push growers to follow BMP’s for reducing the risk to bees.
Soybeans: range from not started to 15% planted. Typical discussion around planting when temperatures are cold. The key to this issue appears to be a cold rain. Beans planted into cold soil (5C) have not shown cold water imbibition injury in Ontario trials previously, as long as temperatures warm up through the day. Beans planted in front of a cold rain, however, have resulted in reduced stands and poor vigour. Bottom line: if seed quality is good and no cold rain is forecast, plant beans.
Wheat: More nitrogen (N) was left to apply last week than previously thought: quite late for N applications. Temperatures have been ideal for wheat, close to 18C day and 10C night. Lodging potential should be reduced from these temperatures. Advanced wheat in Essex started to push the flag leaf out last Wednesday, and is now at full flag leaf stage. Most wheat in this region is second node, so any herbicide applications need to happen immediately. Herbicide applications have been on hold for the last 2 days due to cold temperatures. Second node is ideal timing for the first fungicide application.
Sulphur deficiency is quite evident in many fields, even on some good soils with a history of manure: 2013 appears to be like 2011, wet and cool with very little release from the organic matter. Some Mn deficiency also showing: some growers questioning if they can mix S with Mn, and perhaps a fungicide, and go after everything all at once: there is essentially no research done on this concept, but Peter Sikkema may look at it this spring. Leave out the herbicide if you decide to mix ammonium thiosulphate with the fungicide. 3 gal thiosol in 20 gal of spray solution should rectify any S deficiency.
Septoria can be found at low levels in most wheat fields now. Cereal Leaf Beetle damage can be seen in the traditional CLB areas: Clinton, Delhi, Simcoe. Natural parasites which give excellent control do not overwinter well in sand soil, nor move far in the spring, thus the repeated hot spots for CLB injury. No armyworm found to date.
Spring Cereals: Seeding is complete, although later than preferred. Very few straight oat fields were planted. Growers wanting to plant oat as a cover crop following wheat may have difficulty finding seed, as oats seem to be nearly non-existent. There are none in western Canada. Growers may have to use barley instead. (Martin Harry, Secan).
Forages: Alfalfa growth has responded to warmer temperatures last week. There is renewed hope for a decent first cut. Grass stands have responded very well to N applications. New seedings are emerging. Alfalfa weevil has been reported in Ohio: growers need to scout.
Rye for forage is at the flag leaf to early boot, depending on planting date. Growers wanting quality need to harvest immediately. Growers wanting more yield should wait. Once rye is harvested, remember to scout the following crop for cutworm, as rye stands are very attractive to migrating cutworm moths.
Weed Control: Canada fleabane and giant ragweed resistant to glyphosate have been confirmed in Huron county, with testing of common ragweed ongoing but suspicious. EVERY field should get a soil applied herbicide, followed by clean up with glyphosate in RR crops. In no-till situations, Eragon is preferred for fleabane control, and .3 l/ac of 2,4-D LV Ester 700 for ragweed, with a 7 day pre-plant requirement. In tilled situations, metribuzin or Broadstike would offer fleabane control, while Firstrate would be the product of choice on ragweed that does not have multiple resistance. In situations where fleabane existed that had cross resistance, growers have been forced to till the crop down in early June and start again. This is not something to be taken lightly. (Peter Sikkema)
Supplies of some herbicides are tight, but most dealers have enough to get through.
Agricorp: Provincially 124 damage reports on wheat, with only 28 of those in Perth Huron Middlesex. Bruce county is a bit of a hot spot with 44. However, these numbers are still well below normal (~2% of acres).
Thanks to Eric Devaere for chairing the meeting and getting us out before 9 am. Pat Feryn will chair the meeting in 2 weeks. Huron research Station will host the meeting June 25th, and provide breakfast. Following the normal meeting, there will be a 1 hour tour offered by Peter Sikkema, Chris Gilliard and Dave Hooker of some of the key research efforts underway on station.
Thanks to all that attended. Next meeting May 28th, Malibu restaurant, 7:00 am breakfast, 7:30 meeting.
If you have questions or concerns about these minutes, please contact Peter Johnson or Horst Bohner,