Synopsis: Tremendous activity on the lighter textured soils (south of Hwy 401) with 80% corn planted on lighter soils. Planting on clay soils is just starting. Just a few soybeans planted but many growers gearing up if weather allows. Manganese and sulphur deficiencies are evident in the wheat crop. Advanced wheat is at flag leaf stage. Tomato planting has just started: no seed corn planted yet due to cool soils.
Wheat: Wheat continues to look excellent, with Essex wheat the best it has been in years. Advanced fields are just starting to emerge the flag leaf. It is too late for herbicide applications at this stage. Early applied nitrogen is showing some variable growth, with concerns over potential N loss. Very little disease pressure to date but with cooler temperatures and rain growers should be scouting for leaf diseases such as powdery mildew and Septoria. Rust diseases being reported in the southern US and the following link to the USDA cereal rust disease bulletins will assist in tracking progress ( Both Mn and S deficiencies are showing: 2013 appears to be more similar to 2011, with S deficiency more common. This is probably tied to a cool spring and less S release from organic matter. Residue accumulation in wheat was discussed as it pertained to poor winter wheat stands (cooler, wetter soils).
Alfalfa: Looks much better than 2 weeks ago but some fields which were cut late last year had greater winter injury. Grass forages are doing very well. Agricorp reports that there is much greater damage in eastern Ontario. Insurance is establishment based (used to be re-seeding based) and a claim can be made when there are less than 6 plants/ft2 . There are no restrictions on how the crop is handled subsequently; it can be re-seeded or can have a cutting followed by planting to corn.
Corn: 70% of corn planted with the majority south of the 401 (80% plus sands and 5-10% clays). Corn planted in the Stayner area April 19 is emerged. Timing on pre-emerge products will have to be watched, as corn is emerging in 7 to 10 days. Some products must not be applied to emerged corn. A friendly reminder to check planter settings/performance for populations and spacing and don’t wait till you have an unusually high number of left over bags!
Rye: crop in good shape particularly after corn silage or wheat. Cutting will begin next week.
Weed Control: Dr. Peter Sikkema confirmed the following glyphosate resistant (GR) and multiple herbicide (MR) resistant populations in Ontario:
1) GR giant ragweed – 82 sites in 7 counties (Essex, Kent, Lambton, Elgin, Middlesex, Huron and Lennox & Addington)
2) GR Canada fleabane – 155 sites in 8 counties (Essex, Kent, Lambton, Elgin, Middlesex, Huron, Haldimand and Niagara)
3) GR common ragweed – 1 site in Essex county (studies continue to determine distribution in Essex and other counties)
4) MR Multiple resistant giant ragweed – 5 sites in 3 counties (Essex, Kent and Lambton)
5) MR Multiple resistant Canada fleabane – 19 sites in 5 counties (Essex, Kent, Lambton, Elgin and Middlesex)
Cross resistance is a major concern for Canada Fleabane, as Firstrate would be the product of choice, but will not work on biotypes that are resistant to both glyphosate and Group 2 herbicides.
Peter stressed the importance of fall week control especially for chickweed, which can be of further benefit in reducing potential cutworm issues in the spring. A reminder glyphosate alone for spreading atriplex control gives variable results: control is dependent on size, and atriplex is getting big. Be sure to have a tank mix partner to increase control (metribuzin works well).
NOTE: June 18 Ridgetown Breakfast Meeting will be held at the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus in the Wilson Hall Campus Centre with breakfast starting at 7:15am. Following breakfast discussion, Drs. Peter Sikkema and Darren Robinson have invited attendees to tour their weed management trials on campus. Please plan to attend this special opportunity and on behalf of the group we would like to extend our appreciation to Peter and Darren for coordinating the meal and tour.
Sample Requests: OMAF Ridgetown is working with the US North Central Research Program to determine the incidence, severity and distribution of various early season soybean seedling pathogens (Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium) in northern soybean production regions. If you come across any early season disease problems please contact Albert Tenuta (519 360 8307 or for sample collection. Thanks for your assistance.
Next Meeting: Ridgetown Agribusiness meetings are held at Dar’s restaurant (Daniel’s Esso) on Hwy 21, just south of the 401. Meetings start at 7 am and run alternating Tuesday’s. Next meeting May 21.
Upcoming Events
Southwest Crop Diagnostic Days, July 3 or 4, 2013