Winchester Ag Breakfast Meeting, May 14th, 2013

From May 1st to 12th, accumulations of 15 to 30 mm of rain and 220 Crop Heat Units (CHU) were recorded. The long term average for this same period is about 130 CHU. There was frost on May 14th across eastern Ontario with a low of -2o to -3o C. Little damage expected as the corn growing point was still well protected underground.

Frost damaged corn seedling
Frost damaged corn seedling

Most of the cereals, new forage seedings, corn and part of the soybean acreage were seeded/planted between May 1st to 10th.  Fertilizer supply/delivery chain was stretch to the maximum. Next stress point will be the weed control, which will occur simultaneously for all crops.


From AgriCorp – Can still make claims for 2012 new seedings if a stand failed to establish (a stand is more than 6 plants/ft2). There are no restrictions on how the new seeding is handled subsequently; it can be re-seeded or can have a cut harvested and then the field rotated to another crop.

 Alfalfa is showing 6 to 10 inches of new growth. Grasses will be short at heading unless we get more rain soon. Canada blue grass is starting to head, while orchard grass is at the late boot stage. The cereal rye seeded last fall is progressing rapidly and should be ready to cut next week.

Most advanced new seedings are at the unifoliate stage. Weeds are emerging alongside the new seedlings. Herbicide should be applied before the 4th trifoliate.

There are still a number of very thin hay fields which should be rotated to another crop. Article on “Forage Options When Alfalfa Winterkill Strikes” at .

Thin hay stand
Thin hay stand

Adult Snout Beetles are active in infested areas.


Winter wheat – herbicides should be applied as the crop will soon be beyond the spray window.

Spring cereals planted in the last week of April have emerged and are at the shoot stage, not yet tillering. A few growers are pushing the nitrogen rate to 110 to 120 pounds per acre (lbs/ac), while most are applying 90 lbs/ac of nitrogen.

No disease pressure to speak of yet on spring cereals. It is too early for fungicide application. If applying herbicide at the end of the spray window, the addition of a fungicide with the herbicide has shown about 1.5 bushel per acre yield increase in spring wheat. Stripe & Leaf Rust are making its way to central US. The USDA cereal rust disease bulletins will assist in tracking progress: (

Corn:  90% of corn is planted in eastern Ontario and emergence is good. Adapted hybrids can be planted for another week. A large amount of fertilizer was needed in a short time period, creating momentary shortages. A significant percentage of the planned pre-emerge herbicide treatments was not applied due to the short planting window and quick emergence.

Soybeans: About 50% of the intended soybean acreage is planted. I.P. soybean acreage requirement met, but the industry could utilize additional acreage. Some of the conventional soybean herbicides are in short supply. Growers using the pre-inoculated soybeans seeds need to protect the seed from the sunlight and heat prior to planting to protect the viability of the inoculant.

Insecticide seed treatments and corn planting:  If there are incidences of affected bee hives this year contact: Linda McIntosh Regional Manager Pesticide Compliance Program – Health Canada 255 Woodlawn Rd W, Unit 109 Guelph ON, N1H 8J1 Phone: 519-826-2895.


Eastern Ontario Crop Diagnostic Day will be on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at the Winchester Research Farm of the University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus. Still opportunity to have input into the demonstration stops.

NEXT MEETING: Country Kitchen, Winchester, 7:30 am, May 28, 2013


Scott Banks
(613) 294-4436 Cell
Gilles Quesnel
Twitter: @GillesQuesnel