Winchester Ag Breakfast Minutes, April 30th, 2013

The area accumulated about 60 Crop Heat Units (CHUs) from 15th to the 30th of April, which is the same as last year for the same period (FarmZone). We received 1.5 to 2 inches (40 to 50 mm) of rain in April. Soils are slow to warm up. To-date only 20% of the spring cereals and a small forage and corn acreage has been seeded. Some manure is being applied.

Winter Wheat

Acreage is about 7,500 acres in the area east of Kingston in Ontario. Winter survival has been quite variable, with estimates that about 50% of the winter wheat acres east of Kingston will be replanted, mostly likely to corn. In a few fields, strips or areas in fields are being sprayed off and re-seeded with spring wheat to maintain rotation and for straw. Winter wheat is just into tillering at the Zadok Stage 22 to 23. Nitrogen is being applied now. Weeds should be sprayed in the next week or two.


Not much growth on the forages due to the cool temperatures. For Crop Insurance coverage on 2012 new forage seedings, growers have until the 1st of June to decide if they want to re-plant field to another crop.  Agri-corp allows growers to take a first cut.  For more information on reseeding alfalfa into alfalfa and Alfalfa Autotoxicity, see article by Joel Bagg at .

‘Update from the Valley’ (Renfrew county) by Nathan Harris, Pickseed

High number of calls in eastern Ontario for alfalfa stands that were weak following last year’s severe drought, and didn’t make it through winter. Some 2 or 3 year old stands, but some new seedings as well. Also the only wheels that have turned in the upper valley are on sand, as well as some fertilizer applications. 

If looking for early forage, use spring cereals such as Oats, Barley and/or Triticale. Some prefer oats, however oat seed supply could be short. The addition of peas to the cereals is falling out of favor somewhat because the mix can be difficult to ensile, if harvest conditions are not ideal. Only a small amount of nitrogen has been applied to grass stands to-date.

Spring Cereals

10 to 20% of the intended spring cereal acres have been planted to-date. Yield losses are in the range of 1 bushel per day for each day seeding is delayed. Yield loss jumps to 1 ½ to 2 bushels per day if seeding is delayed beyond May 5th.


Adapted hybrids are in the 2,800 to 2,850 CHU or 96 to 97 day corn for the area. Hybrids in the 98 to 100 day range should be planted by the 10th May. Planting corn into winterkilled forage stands can be no-tilled or minimum tilled. Avoid plowing to reduce the risk of soils going lumpy and drying out too much. Aim to plant into moisture by creating a swallow seedbed of 2 to 3 inches. Only till what you can plant by the next day.

Need to follow best management practices when planting corn seed treatment with insecticides. See Seed Treatments article, Protecting Pollinators During Corn Planting Season at .


Intended soybean acreage is down about 10% mostly because of a slight increase in corn acreage and the need for additional forage acres due to winterkill in forage stands. Best to secure a seed supply before booking I.P. contracts as seed supply of some varieties is short. Soybean ideal planting date to maximize yield is between May 5 and 15th.

Guide to Weed Control – there is no Supplement printed of changes for 2013. An electronic pdf version is available at . Revisions for 2013 are highlighted in yellow.

WeedPro75 – Herbicide Selector is available at:

Geese Management Permits at: Fax application to: 905-336-4587

Eastern Ontario Crop Diagnostic Day will be on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at the Winchester Research Farm of the University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus. Still opportunity to have input into the demonstration stops.

Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 7:30 a.m. at the Country Kitchen Restaurant, 31 Highway, Winchester, Ontario.

Scott Banks(613) 294-4436 Cell
Gilles Quesnel(613) 294-4457 Cell