Extremely wet conditions across many areas, especially through Huron-Perth and areas to the south where up to 8 inches (200 mm) have fallen in the last 8 days. Biggest field work challenges now are weed control in soybeans, fungicide application in wheat, side-dress nitrogen application in corn, and wrapping up edible bean planting. Agricorp reminds growers to report damage claims and check planting deadlines (e.g. June 2oth for soybeans/dry beans grown in shorter season (<2700) area).
Winter wheat
Crop is very short in many areas and heading is often extremely uneven. Helicopters busy with fungicide applicators in areas too wet to get in field with ground application. Fusarium head blight fungicide timing starts at Day O when 75% of the heads on the main stems are fully emerged. Target spray application for Day 1 to Day 4 (optimum Day 2) with a window up to Day 6-8. In very uneven fields, consider using DONcast to spray when risk is highest or alternatively set day O as the day when 25% of the heads have emerged and time spray application at day 4-5. For more information on sprayer set-up for fungicide application refer to presentation that Dr Dave Hooker presented at last years meeting
Damage to some fields of corn from May 23rd frost was more extensive and recovery slower than anticipated. Corn plants where the growing point appeared intact, were slow to recover and the addition of other stresses resulted in plants running out of energy. OMAFRA soil N survey conducted last week indicated higher soil N levels than historical. Refer to results posted to fieldcropnews. Good to see more growers are checking soil N levels than in past. Side-dressing to start as conditions permit.
Replanting/overseeding is near completion in most areas. The highest percentage of replants in this area occurred in Waterloo, Halton, Wellington. Many soybean fields at V1-V3 will a lot of weed spraying to be completed. Nodulation at these early stages not a concern where soils were flooded or remain saturated for extensive period.
Dry Beans
An estimated 75% of dry beans have been planted, with most of this occurring the first week of June, just prior to the heavy rains. Seed supply very limited for replants, which may force growers to reconsider early maturity soybean variety which are also in limited in availability. In wide rows inter-row cultivation to break crust, loosen the soil and improve air exchange will stimulate root growth. 2014 population trials conducted by Chris Gillard, RCAT indicated little yield loss above 60% stand of healthy plants (42,000 plants/acre in 30 inch rows, 72,000 plants/acre in 15 inch rows). Important to asses the health of remaining plants and uniformity of emergence. Dry beans don’t have root system or resiliency of soybeans. In situations where there was 30- 40 lbs N/ac applied at planting and root rot is present, applying additional nitrogen up to 1/2 to 2/3rds of the nitrogen applied at planting may help stimulate new root and top growth
- Agricorp is near completion of frost damage claims.
- Deadline for reporting unseeded acres is June 15th, however Agricorp is still accepting reports.
- Growers with unseeded acreage benefit (USAB) wont be covered if field is planted after planting deadline for their area. USAB payout is based on the crop that they had largest acreage of in 2014.
- For planting deadlines and map of zones see http://bit.ly/1Gtg6Hg
- Deadline for reporting yields on spring harvest of 2014 corn is June 30th. Agricorp cannot process this years data until previous years file is complete.
Important Dates:
July 8 & 9, 2015 – Southwest Crop Diagnostic Days, www.diagnosticdays.ca University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus
January 5 & 6, 2016 – Southwest Agricultural Conference www.southwestagconference.ca University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus
Please direct any questions, comments or agenda items to either:
Brian Hall, OMAFRA, Email: brian.hall@ontario.ca, Phone: 519-271-0083
Ian McDonald, OMAFRA, Email: ian.mcdonald@ontario.ca. Phone: 519-824-4120 ext 5-6707