Simcoe Ag Breakfast Meeting Notes – May 4, 2016

Synopsis: Over the past week 12 to 25 mm of rain combined with cool conditions and frequent frosty mornings have slowed field work in the area.  Current weather forecast of more seasonal and drier conditions could see a big push in field activity later in the week.

Wheat Update: 

Wheat growth continues to look excellent with growth stage ranging between 1st node and elongation (Zodak 31 to 37).  Disease levels are very low with some Septoria in the bottom of the canopy.  Cool conditions have helped keep the disease levels in check.  In a few fields with thick lush growth, there is increasing septoria and some powdery mildew moving higher in the crop canopy.

Most fields have had some nitrogen applied, although there are some fields on the heavy clays still waiting for their first application.  Some fields with split N are still in need of their 2nd application.

Very little herbicides have been applied to wheat so far, mainly due to wet soils and low temperatures.  Weed control combined with fungicide application is expected to increase over the next few days.  Where nitrogen, herbicide and/or fungicide applications are combined it was strongly suggested that water volumes of 20 gallons will help with coverage, especially in thick, lush stands, and will help reduce risk of scorching the crop.  Temperatures for fungicide/herbicide application should be greater than 5oC.

Corn Update:

Corn planting progress ranges from 0 to 15% completed.  Almost no corn has been planted, to date, in on the heavier soils of Haldimand and Niagara.  Experience from past years would suggest that planting into cold and saturated clay soils is not conducive to good emergence and that seed is better left in the bag until better conditions.   Seedbed preparation has been occurring as soils are fit.  Forecast warmer temperatures and extended rainfree days will see the potential for a lot of acres to be planted in a short timeframe.

Corn that was planted 1 wk ago – wire worm easy to find – and not much radical development yet.

Soybean Update:

Very few soybeans have been planted to date.  Burndown herbicide application is occurring


New seeding alfalfa – most of the crop went in 1.5 wks ago – coteledons just coming up from first planted fields.   Winter survival of established alfalfa is excellent except in areas where water was ponded for an extended period of time.

Weed Control:

Weeds are present in some fields with ragweed and lambsquarters and other annual broadleaf weeds just starting to emerge.  Winter annuals are beginning to bolt.  Lots of chickweed and fleaband – some fleabane is already at 6 inch diameter.  Control options have been more challenging with cool weather.  2,4-D option is running out of time for soybean fields.

Cover crop survival has been better with the mild winter.  Most annual rye grass has survived and some oilseed radish (daikon radish), crimson clover and hairy vetch have also survived.  Control of oilseed radish is easier if done before it bolts.

One weed that is especially predominant in the area this year is Scentless camomile.  It was a problem about 15 yrs ago in Haldimand, resulting in some research to look at best controls.  The data from that trial is included below, but the best control came from tank mixes that included glyphosate.

Chamomile, Scentless (Matricaria perforata Merat.)

Distinguishing Characteristics

In the early stages this weed is often confused with pineappleweed, stinking mayweed or yarrow as all of these weeds have very finely divided leaves. However, scentless chamomile will be the only species that doesn’t exude an odour when the leaf tissue is crushed. When scentless chamomile is mature, it can be confused with stinking mayweed, however stinking mayweed is shorter in stature and exudes an unpleasant odour.



Effectiveness of various control options for scentless chamomile in corn and soybeans

Effectiveness of various control options for scentless chamomile in corn and soybeans

Agricorp Update

Unseeded Acreage Benefit reporting deadline – Jun, 15th

Report planted acres by June 30th

Production Insurance Premiums due July 10th , and

Risk Management Program payment is due  August 8th  deadline for RMP (Risk Management program)

Special thank you and Happy Birthday to Brian W. who treated everyone to breakfast.

Next Meeting

7:30 a.m. May 18th, 2016 at the Shire (Travelodge) Simcoe