Exeter Agribusiness Minutes – June 21

Thank you to Pride for sponsoring breakfast. Peter Johnson chaired this meeting.  Thank you to the Malibu Restaurant for hosting the meeting.

Synopsis: Rainfall varied on Monday June 20th with some areas receiving between 0.5 and 1.0 inches of rain and others receiving none. Conditions are getting extremely dry particularly in the Niagara and Haldimand region as well as Eastern Ontario.  Across the region winter wheat fields are showing unusual colour patterns and yields may be lower than expected due to the dry conditions.  The corn crop is looking good in this area with fields planted the 1st week of May looking better than earlier planted fields.  Bean stands are variable with a number of fields showing damage from group 15 herbicides.  Agricorp has received about 1400 calls of damaged crops with 1000 of those being poor soybean stands. Most of these damage reports are from dry soil conditions although about 50% of the reports are from excess rainfall in Essex, Chatham, Kent. It was reported that only about 20% of soybean stands in the Niagara and Haldimand regions have an acceptable plant stand, due to dry conditions.  About 65% of growers have reported their planted acreage to date. Please remind growers to call in their acreage.  The deadline is June 30th.

Wheat: Fields are showing unusual colour patterns as a result of the continued dry weather.  Some growers have reported spray burn 4 weeks after application.  If it’s showing up that late it’s unlikely to be spray burn.  There is a lot of physiological fleck evident this year.  Different varieties are showing more physiological fleck than others.  Most fields received a fungicide for stripe rust and to prevent Fusarium head blight;  however, there are a few growers inquiring if they can still apply a fungicide for stripe rust control.  It’s too now.  Do not apply a fungicide at this point as we are approaching harvest and the damage from stripe rust has already been done.  Caramba and Prosaro also cannot be applied less than 30 days prior to harvest.  The risk for Fusarium head blight in winter wheat is very low.  The pressure from fusarium is also lower than previous years in the inoculated Ontario Cereal Crop Committee trials.  Yields may be lower than expected as dry weather will result in smaller seed and reduced grain fill.

Corn: Overall the corn crop looks good in this area.  Fields that were planted into less than ideal conditions are starting to show it now.  Sulphur deficiency continues to be evident in some fields.  In those fields were S was included in the side dress N application the crop has been very slow to respond to the S. Compaction from manure spreaders is starting to become visible as are other stressed areas within fields.  Regions with sandy soils (Simcoe area) are beginning to show extreme moisture stress.

Soybeans: There is huge variability in soybean stands, ranging from perfect to shameful.  Overall, average plant stands are comparable to other years.  There are a number of issues causing stand losses.  Fields that were planted rather than drilled have better stands.  In many fields that have poor stands planting depth was an issue.  Seed was planted too deep in worked ground and not deep enough in no-till.  The worst stands are often from beans planted just before the cold, wet weather that started May 13th.  Chilling injury was more evident this year in both soybeans and corn.  This is likely due to the dry soil conditions and the length of the cold weather.  Seed corn maggot was a big problem in Wellington.  One field that was replanted with an insecticide seed treatment was decimated for the second time, so insect pressure must be extremely high. Dry conditions continue to be a challenge for growers particularly in the Haldimand and Niagara regions where only 20% of soybean fields have an acceptable stand.  Potassium deficiency is now becoming evident in some fields.  Foliar products do not apply sufficient macro nutrients such as K.  Dry potash applications can be broadcast now but yield response is highly dependent on rainfall.  See picture below for K deficiency in soybeans.potash

Growers considering double cropping with soybeans should be sure to plant deep enough into moisture.  Due to the warm soil conditions in July planting as deep as 3 ½ inches into moisture is acceptable for many varieties.  If there is no moisture for germination then the likelihood of success for double cropping is low.  Growers are encouraged to have a plan if they intend to double crop.  Variety selection is crucial.  The maturity of the variety should be shortened based on date and location.  If planting on July 15th in a 2900 CHU area the maturity should be shortened by 1.5 MG.  Areas with more than 2900 CHU’s have a greater chance of success.  Seed in narrow rows at a population of at least 250 000 seeds per acre.

Agricorp has received about 1400 calls of damaged crops with approximately 1000 of those being poor soybean stands.  A number of those were due to dry conditions in Haldimand and Niagara counties and the others were due to wet conditions in Lambton, Middlesex and Huron counties.

Edible Beans: Edible bean stands are variable across the region, but thin stands are often even across the field so they can be left.  Very few replants have been reported.  There have been a significant number of reports of damage from group 15 herbicides.  This is likely a result of beans sitting in the ground for a long time after planting.  Seed quality made a difference in herbicide injury.  Cracked seed coats will take in more herbicide as the seedling emerges.  Historically millipedes were not a pest for concern.  However, millipede damage is evident in some fields with a report of one field needing to be replanted.


June 30: Spring seeded final acreage reports due.  July 10: Premiums

CropLine – 1-888-449-0937 Field Crop News Website – https://fieldcropnews.com/

Upcoming Events Southwest Crop Diagnostic Days – July 6 and 7, 2016 FarmSmart Expo – July 14 Eastern Crops Day – July 28

Stratford Crop Technology Contacts: Horst Bohner, horst.bohner@ontario.ca Joanna Follings, joanna.follings@ontario.ca Meghan Moran, meghan.moran@ontario.ca Jake Munroe, jake.munroe@ontario.ca