Learn, participate and have your say
The proposed Plant and Animal Health Strategy for Canada was drafted together by governments, industry and others who play a role in safeguarding plant and animal health.
The strategy will protect plants and animals from new and emerging risks by focusing efforts more on prevention and increasing partner collaboration and coordination.
You are invited to join the conversation this month and contribute your ideas on the draft strategy.
Read the draft strategy and provide your feedback through one of the following options:
- complete an online questionnaire,
- attend a webinar,
- lead a discussion within your organization or community, and
- sign up to stay connected.
To be successful, the strategy must be shaped by and reflect views of all partner groups. This consultation provides the opportunity for all stakeholders to have a say in the final contents of the strategy.
Please provide your comments by April 30, 2017.
Contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency with questions about the Plant and Animal Health Strategy for Canada.
Additional information
Questions and Answers: A Plant and Animal Health Strategy for Canada