Breakfast Sponsor: Thanks from group to “Bob Thirlwall – Monsanto/Dekalb Seeds“
The Quote of the Week comes from Bob Buis Agronomist with Pioneer Seeds – “Remember Your Fence Lines and Be Careful With Poison Ivy” ! The group wishes you a speedy recovery, Bob!
National Soil Conservation Week
Synopsis: The winter wheat crop looks excellent with lots of growth and yield potential throughout much of the area. Wheat nitrogen applications started and could be a challenge if forecast is correct. Planting limited to a few corn fields and various horticultural crops such as sugarbeets, potatoes, peas. Corn acres still expected to be down 4-5% while soybeans up in the area. Final acreage will depend on the weather at planting. Burndown herbicide applications have started. Dandelions budding and weeds are growing quickly. Enlist corn and soybean received EU’s EFSA technical approval. IP soybeans treated with Trivapro can ship to Japan. Delegate insecticide for WBC is new.
Winter Wheat: Early planted wheat is looking exceptional throughout the southwest and the London area. Wheat has entered stem elongation growth stage 30 (psuedostem) to 31 (first node). Later planted wheat is thin and struggling. Poor winter survival/stands could be due to low phosphorus levels as demonstrated by Dr. Dave Hooker’s (U of G Ridgetown Campus) work. Very little disease development to date, with some reports of powdery mildew. Snow moulds observed in some early planted wheat fields even though this winter would not be considered a snow mould year. Early planting resulted in lush growth and dead patches with bottom leaves damaged. There are definite differences in varieties so make note. Some wind damage. Red clover can still be applied if it is not done yet but moisture is necessary for establishment and survival as well as competition from thick wheat canopies could be a concern. Studies by Peter Johnson showed April seeding not far behind those from March. Most of the nitrogen is being applied in a single instead of split application. Check minutes from April 4, 2017 for sulphur discussion.
Wheat Stripe Rust: The Cereal Disease Lab reported this week “Dry conditions in Texas resulted in lower disease pressure early this season. However, historical data suggests that early incidence of stripe rust in Texas and Louisiana, as observed this spring, increases the probability of widespread and severe disease epidemic developing throughout the Plains area and in the Eastern regions” of the US and possibly into Ontario and Quebec.
Stripe rust infected plants have already been found in many areas of the Midwest including Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois and Wisconsin. Movement of spores into Ontario from these locations will be dependent on weather systems. In 2016, stripe rust was common in winter wheat fields in the southwestern portion of the province by mid-May. As we observed last year there are large differences in variety susceptibility to stripe rust so check the Ontario Wheat Performance Trials or your dealer for specific variety information. If detected on susceptible varieties, do not delay applying a fungicide to control this disease as it will progress very quickly and can cause significant yield losses, which in 2016 ranged from 10-40 bushels.
Weeds: Larger winter annuals such as dandelions are plentiful. Dandelions sprayed last fall and although injured have not been controlled. Sprayers are out in the field applying burndown herbicides. Dandelions and fleabane weeds are larger than normal so with herbicides, keep rates and water volumes higher (20 gal). Dicamba rainfast is 4 hours for all formulations.
Dr. Peter Sikkema (UG Ridgetown Campus) reported that giant wasthe first glyphosate resistant weed. Solutions have been implemented by growers/industry to manage it very well. Glypyhosate resistant common ragweed, although present in Essex county has only been confirmed on 5 farms.
Glyphosate resistant Canada fleabane – Roundup + Eragon + metribuzin + Merge is the most consistent burndown in soybean. Identified in 30 counties and 23 of the 30 have multiple resistance. Classic won’t add much to the program, metribuzin doing the work in Canopy. 2,4-D has activity but not as consistent as Eragon
Nine year integrated weed management project funded by GFO to start this year in Lambton and Essex county on the control of Glyphosate resistant waterhemp (Sikkema) – Study will include diverse crop rotations, cover crops and efficacious herbicides. The goal of the study is to have near zero weed seed return to the soil.
Glyphosate resistant waterhemp in 3 counties (many plants with 3 way resistance). A good stand of winter wheat will out compete waterhemp. Two-pass program is recommended in corn with a soil applied herbicide (ie) Lumax or Acuron followed by MarksmaN OR Callisto + Aatrex applied post-emergence. Palmer amaranth is moving slowly in Michigan (east side of Lansing), slow to move but equipment could move it quickly, heavy seed that drops to the ground so doesn’t move quickly on its own.
How to identify waterhemp – hairless, longer narrower leaves, emerge after burndown or last tillage pass, keeps emerging all season long. Incredible seed production 1.2 million 4.8 million seeds per plant with no competition
Corn: A small amount of corn is in and corn is expected to be lower by 4-5%. Seed corn production acreage will be similar to 2016. Seed corn production seed will be delivered soon. New group 5 insecticide “Delegate” for WBC a new option with low applicator risk and safer on foraging bees. Enlist corn and soybean received EU EFSA technical approval.
Soybean: No reported soybean planting in area to date. Extend soybean adoption high and extensive education events were performed this winter.
Crop Insurance Report: For Chatham-Kent, Essex and Lambton Counties slightly under 4,000 acres of winter wheat were reported damaged and this is higher than the approximately 700 acres affected in 2016 for the same period of January 1 to April 17. The dominant peril for the 2017 winter wheat crop is excessive rainfall at 77% of the total acres.
Producers are reminded they can still obtain Production Insurance coverage without winter kill if they call Agricorp’s Call Centre by May 1st, 2017. Coverage will be subject to an inspection by an adjuster. Agricorp Call Centre’s Phone Number is: 1-888-247-4999
Maximum 2017 Reseeding Rates:
Corn: $117.00/acre
Soybeans: $80.00/acre
Winter wheat (Soft White, Soft Red, Hard Red, Hard White): $100.00/acre
Horticultural Crops: 2,000 acres of sugar beets planted to date as well some carrots and peas just started. Mancozeb and chlorothalonil – PMRA discussion continued from previous meeting (April 4, 2017). Tomato processing growers possibly suing government. Tomato contracting 2/3 completed and acres will be similar to 2016. Janice LeBoeuf looking for pepper weevil which was seen for first time in the field last year. Ontario tomato research group has GF2 funding to develop a spray recording app – spray recording to processors and re-entry intervals, should start reporting this week, app focussed on re-entry and worker safety, PMRA wants to increase re-entry interval in some cases up to 4 days which will impact scouting.
Cover crops/Soil Health: For annual ryegrass add a group 1 herbicide to glyphosate to increase control. Higher rates of glyphosate needed when ryegrass growing rapidly which makes it difficult to control when elongating. Callisto herbicide OK for annual ryegrass but not crimson clover. Keep at least 30% residue cover after planting on fields to prevent wind and water erosion.
Dr. Darren Robinson (UG Ridgetown Campus) discussed his research on inter-seeding cover crops into corn, cover crop mixtures as well as pre and post herbicide tolerance. He will be working on sweet corn, tomatoes, peppers, beans and adding asparagus as well as ginger this year. He noted Sandea tank mixes with post broadleaf herbicides had no antagonism but did see with grass herb tank mixes.
Publications: There is a new Soil Health in Ontario publication which gives a good overview of soil health. There are a number of soil health factsheets that will be available soon. A new Problem Weed Control Guide is available from your local OMAFRA office. There are also a number of new disease publications and resource materials available. Contact Albert Tenuta to obtain copies.
Next Meeting: Ridgetown Agribusiness meetings are held in the Willson Hall Campus Centre (downstairs) at the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus. Meetings start at 7:15 with breakfast and every two weeks on Tuesdays. Next meeting is May 2, 2017.
Upcoming Events
Southwest Crop Diagnostic Days (University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus) July 5 or 6, 2017
FarmSmart Expo 2017 (University of Guelph, Elora Research Station) – July 13, 2017
Eastern Crops Day (U. of G., Winchester Research Farm) – July 19, 2017
August 22 & 23 – Summit on Canadian Soil Health 2017, Delta Hotel, Guelph for more information see
Southwest Agricultural Conference – January 3 & 4, 2018