OMAFRA Field Crop Report – August 20, 2020

Figure 3. Water infiltrates quickly and preferentially through continuous macropores created by daikon radish and oat cover crop roots.

Managing to get the most from available water

Water is the most important limiting input for crop production. In more than a couple of the past years, producers across the province have been forced to watch while their crops suffer from dry conditions in the heat of summer.

Other than irrigation (which is rare for field crops in Ontario), there’s really nothing we can do to manage how much water we get and when we get it. For that reason, it makes more sense to think about how we might lose it – and how we can keep it.

Striking the Water Balance

On the opposite side of the water balance equation from inputs (precipitation and irrigation) are losses – runoff, deep drainage, and evapotranspiration – and the soil storage component. The right lever to pull in this system will depend on the specifics of each operation and its soil landscape, so here are the broad concepts and some general recommendations for how to influence them to manage your risk for drought stress.

Deep drainage

As water moves through the soil, it eventually goes below the rooting zone and is essentially lost for crop production. This is an important natural process for recharging groundwater and the way that soils provide a water purification service.

Tile drainage essentially short-circuits this process, shunting groundwater into surface waterways. Water table management like this is critical for timely planting in most of the province and improves the drought tolerance of crops as it allows roots to develop deeper before dry conditions occur. However, we’re often left pining after that spring water once it gets dry in the summer. Controlled drainage systems allow for more refined water table management and allow us to keep water in the field when it’s needed. Once thought to be suitable only for flat fields, this technique is now also being applied on sloping terrain with drains installed on contour.


Water evaporates from soil more quickly in hot, dry weather. It also evaporates more quickly from bare soil than from soil that is covered, either by residue or by plant canopy (Figure 1).  Bare soil competes with the crop for water just like weeds do. Overwintering cover crops can provide the best of both – transpiring excess water in the spring and providing mulch to cover the soil until the crop canopies. “Planting green” – into living cereal rye terminated soon after planting, for example – is an effective strategy for soybeans.

Figure 1. Relative evaporation rate from bare soil and residue-covered soil. (van Donk et al., 2010)
Figure 1. Relative evaporation rate from bare soil and residue-covered soil. (van Donk et al., 2010)









Runoff is a terrible way to lose water, because it usually also means losing soil. The erosive power of runoff is related to its speed, so anything that can slow the water down will help. Residue cover is the first step – 100% residue cover results in negligible erosion, but 50% cover still reduces erosion by 80%. This level of residue is usually achieved with no-till. A recent meta-analysis of runoff and tillage systems showed that no-till reduced runoff by over 20% on average compared with other tillage systems (Figure 2). The residue cover in a no-till system reduces crusting, and the lack of disturbance results in higher pore continuity, meaning more infiltration and percolation.

Figure 2. Change in runoff from no-till compared to reduced tillage and plowing. From Sun et al., 2015.
Figure 2. Change in runoff from no-till compared to reduced tillage and plowing. From Sun et al., 2015.










The devil is in the details, though. No-till fields may experience more runoff than tilled soils if they are left bare from residue harvest (i.e. straw removal or low-residue crops (e.g. soybeans) if their surfaces are smoother than tilled fields. This is where cover crops come in. Even in tilled systems, the pores created by cover crop roots can increase infiltration of a heavy rainfall event by 17% (Yu et al., 2016). Figure 3 shows a soil infiltration demonstration that provides a good visual of how coarse and fine root channels help move water through the soil. Cover crops with coarse roots (e.g. daikon radish) and those with very dense root systems (e.g. cereal rye) provide the most benefit.

Figure 3. Water infiltrates quickly and preferentially through continuous macropores created by daikon radish and oat cover crop roots.
Figure 3. Water infiltrates quickly and preferentially through continuous macropores created by daikon radish and oat cover crop roots.












Store it in the Soil

Making the best use of the water we get in a season means getting it in the ground, but also keeping it there and making sure it’s accessible to crop roots. A well-structured soil with a range of pore sizes will hold the most plant-available water. In a compacted soil, root access to water may be limited by soil resistance even before water levels fall below the permanent wilting point (Figure 4.)

Figure 4. The least-limiting water range (LLWR) is between field capacity and permanent wilting point in low-density soil, but soil resistance (SR, i.e. compaction) or aeration (AFP) may be more limiting in compacted soil. (from Keller et al., 2015)
Figure 4. The least-limiting water range (LLWR) is between field capacity and permanent wilting point in low-density soil, but soil resistance (SR, i.e. compaction) or aeration (AFP) may be more limiting in compacted soil. (from Keller et al., 2015)








If what’s noted above makes you think that you don’t need to worry about water because you are already no-tilling, think again. Tillage is a tool for dealing with compaction. If you take it out of the toolbox, extra care is required to avoid squeezing your soil of its water holding capacity.

Weather Summary

Weekly Weather Summary August 10-16

Location Date Temperature Rainfall Totals
August 10 -16 Max Min (mm) Rain GDD0 GDD5 CHU
  °C °C 01-Apr 01-Apr 01-Apr 01-May
Harrow 2020 31 13 11 307 2266 1609 2447
2019 28 13 2 370 2243 1579 2344
Ridgetown 2020 30 12 16 314 2176 1522 2316
2019 28 11 9 514 2123 1461 2209
London 2020 30 12 8 338 2112 1466 2230
2019 31 11 25 452 2030 1390 2130
Brantford 2020 32 12 0 211 2143 1495 2220
2019 30 10 N/A 274 2104 1449 2191
Welland 2020 31 13 0 269 2162 1516 2321
2019 28 10 5 362 2165 1495 2286
Elora 2020 30 10 1 281 1975 1340 2078
2019 29 8 2 359 1673 1083 1713
Mount Forest 2020 30 11 9 396 1952 1327 2086
2019 28 9 N/A 129 1903 1260 2001
Uxbridge 2020 31 11 8 264 2005 1380 2140
2019 28 11 N/A 227 1898 1249 1971
Peterborough 2020 31 9 14 209 2024 1376 2098
2019 29 6 2 334 1892 1243 1901
Trenton 2020 29 14 12 276 2115 1461 2275
2019 29 11 9 354 2092 1420 2188
Kemptville 2020 31 12 36 261 2171 1506 2272
2019 29 8 N/A 203 1999 1345 2037
Earlton 2020 32 10 6 316 1851 1241 1972
2019 27 6 1 349 1589 1013 1653
Sudbury 2020 29 13 23 384 1872 1256 2005
2019 27 9 0 351 1610 1040 1689
Thunder Bay 2020 29 9 1 181 1746 1129 1814
2019 27 6 4 267 1556 968 1575
Fort Francis 2020 28 7 79 289 1862 1227 1947
2019 27 6 0 292 1680 1061 1701
This table developed by OMAFRA using data from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Environment Canada. Max and Min Temps show the extremes that occurred for the 7-day period.