Calling all GLMPMN Trap Participants! Please find below the instructions on how to set up a trap in your field and where to get the trap supplies for reach pest that you are monitoring. Not, each pest requires a specific trap type and lures as indicated in each of the instructions below.
Once you have set up your traps, you can enter your sites and weekly trap catch data onto the Great Lakes and Maritimes Pest Monitoring Network (click to go to the 2021 GLMPMN Page)
Traps to be set up in April:
2021 BCW Trapping Instructions and BCW Trap Supply Checklists and Companies
2021 TAW Trapping Instructions and TAW Trap Supply Checklists and Companies
Traps to be set up in May:
2021 ECB Trapping Instructions and ECB Trap Supply Checklists and Companies
Traps to be set up in June:
2021 WBC Trapping Instructions and WBC Trap Supply Checklists and Companies
2021 CEW Trapping Instructions and CEW Trap Supply Checklists and Companies
2021 FAW Trapping Instructions and FAW Trap Supply Checklists and Companies