If you are interested in learning more about planting green into a strip-till corn system, the video below outlines the experience that Matt Beischlag, a farmer based in Haldimand county, Ontario, had in the 2021 season. Matt and his family have a mixed farm of broiler chickens, corn, soybean and wheat cash crops, and red clover seed production. This past year, he seeded a cover crop mixture after wheat, which included oats, peas, turnip, radish and fall rye. He also tested out a few strips of crimson clover. His goal was to utilize cover crops as a way to minimize some of the soil erosion that they are seeing on the farm. The rye, crimson clover and even the turnip made it through the winter. This video starts in May 27, 2021 and follows the on farm-trial that Matt and Jake Munroe (a soil management specialist with OMAFRA field crops) set up looking at comparing fall cover crop termination to planting green into different species. The 2021 season started off very dry which posed some challenges for corn emergence, as some of the cover crop species drew a significant amount of moisture.
The video ends on August 5, 2021 after visiting the plot three times over the course of the season. Matt offers his advice to other growers interested in planting green and his key-takeaways from this season. Lastly, Jake shares some expert insight on tips for managing risk for other producers when it comes to utilizing cover crops and planting green.