2021 Ontario CRW Trap Network Results

Results from the 2021 Ontario trap sites participating in the Adult Corn Rootworm (CRW) Trap Monitoring Network have been summarized in the infographic below. A more detailed report for all trap sites across North America was prepared by Ashley Dean and Erin Hodgson at Iowa State University. Thank you to Dan Bihari, Senior GIS Specialist, OMAFRA for developing and maintaining the trap network site.

Trap supplies will be made available again for the 2022 season. Contact Tracey Baute (tracey.baute@ontario.ca) if you are interested in participating. To help us make improvements to the 2022 network, trap participants are encouraged to fill out this survey: https://iastate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7aIBkBVzBJbYtvM