Ontario Corn Committee Hybrid Selector Tool

The Ontario corn committee hybrid selector tool can be accessed by clicking the icon below.

(this is the same tool previously posted on gocorn.net)

Simple Summary

  • The hybrid selector tool allows head-to-head comparisons of up to 4 hybrids across up to 4 years in the Ontario corn committee performance trials
  • The tool provides a summary of performance trial and economic returns of the selected hybrids

Ontario Corn Committee Hybrid Selector Tool

The Ontario corn committee hybrid selector tool allows head-to-head comparisons of up to 4 hybrids across years and locations where all selected hybrids were present at the same time.

This tool offers some differences from using the traditional PDF or spreadsheet comparisons available in the main corn committee results, primarily through the ability to:

  • compare across up to 4 years (instead of only 2)
  • incorporate economics into hybrid comparisons, including corn price ($/bu), seed costs ($/bag) and drying costs ($/bu)

Using the Tool

The tool is very easy to use, you simply:

  1. Select trial years and areas of interest (Fig. 1)
  2. Select corn hybrid companies and hybrids of interest (Fig. 2)
  3. Add economic assumptions for economic comparisons (Fig. 3)

Figure 1. Selecting trial years and areas of interest.

Figure 2. Selecting hybrid companies and hybrids of interest.

Figure 3. Adjusting economics with economic return calculator


For the selected hybrids within the selected areas, a summary of hybrid data is shown (broken stalks, moisture, yield and yield index) as well as net returns ($/ac) for the economic assumptions made.