Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is our newest pest of concern for Ontario agriculture. Though we have not detected it yet on any of its crop hosts, we have confirmed it has established breeding populations here in Ontario and is successfully overwintering in homes in Hamilton, Toronto, Newboro and most recently Windsor. It is likely overwintering in other urban centres but has not been properly identified yet.
In the next few weeks, BMSB will be moving out of their overwinter sites and move onto their host plants. BMSB has a countless number of host plants to choose from. Early in the season they will move to ornamental host plants like buckthorn, tree of heaven and English holly. They may then turn to fruit and veg crops early to mid summer before finally moving into field crops. Field crops at risk include corn, soybeans and edible beans but these crops will likely to be most at risk once they are in their reproductive stages (ie when there is an ear or pod).
We have put together a flyer to help with identification, as there are some other insects that may be confused for BMSB:
English – BMSB-flyer French – BMSB-flyer
If you think you have found BMSB, call the Agriculture Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300 or send an email to ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca. Also visit our BMSB website at: ontario.ca\stinkbug for additional photos, infosheets, ID postcards and potential management options.