OMAFRA Field Crop Report – August 27, 2020

Figure 1: Root injury from corn rootworm larval feeding. Jocelyn Smith, UGRC.

High corn rootworm (CRW) pressure in 2020 is challenging current Bt rootworm hybrids and several Ontario growers have reported unexpected injury by CRW. This indicates that possible cross resistance has occurred, where even pyramid hybrids with multiple rootworm traits are impacted. Currently, we know that several fields with injury in Huron, Perth and Durham Counties are being investigated. There are likely more fields impacted outside of these known areas where use of Bt rootworm traits in continuous corn is prevalent.

Scouting in the next few weeks for corn rootworm injury is important to detect and report potential cases. We highly recommend scouting before early September while rootworm adults are still active. This will allow corn company reps and provincial specialists to assess the field to determine if resistance is occurring. This requires adults to be present to collect and run bioassays on and for green tissue be present on the plants to verify that they are indeed expressing Bt proteins.

Scout these high-risk fields first:

  • Continuous corn production and repeated use of Bt corn rootworm hybrids
  • High adult CRW populations this year or the previous year
  • Lodging or goose-necking where other factors like wind, compaction and herbicide carry over have been ruled out.

Scouting includes documenting high population of adults and looking for lodging or goose-necking that is not likely due to wind, compaction and herbicide injury. Most importantly, dig up plants to determine if root injury is higher than expected. Bt rootworm hybrids contain only moderate doses at best, which means that there will be some level of survival of the population and some expected root clipping. On pyramid (multi-trait) hybrids, a root injury score of more than 0.5 on the Iowa Node Injury Scale (0-3.00) should be reported. Single trait rootworm hybrids with a rating of >1.0 indicates the need to report. More information on scouting guidelines to determine rootworm resistance is on the Field Crop News website at:

Reporting potential resistance cases is important because rootworm adults are mobile. Resistant populations won’t remain in the immediate field but will spread to nearby corn fields. Knowing where fields are will help enable communication with other continuous corn growers in the area who may not be aware of a problem. Reporting also ensures that sound rootworm management measures can be implement by continuous corn growers for 2021 to try to preserve the effectiveness of Bt rootworm hybrids for Canadian corn growers.

Corn rootworm resistance to Bt traits are widespread in the United States. Several mitigation measures have been used with varying degrees of success. Once resistance occurs, rootworm Bt hybrids will no longer be an effective tool for protection against rootworm injury. No new Bt rootworm traits are coming to market in the immediate future. Our best option is to try to reduce the prevalence of resistance individuals in the population through effective management efforts.

The most successful option to reduce rootworm populations is to rotate out of corn for a minimum of one year. Rootworm larvae require corn roots to survive. However, rotating out of corn is challenging for livestock producers. For silage producers, a viable alternative is to double crop cereal rye or winter triticale with sorghum-sudangrass. This alternative can provide similar yield and fibre quality without sustaining a rootworm population. Information on this option is also available on Field Crop News at:

Other crop alternatives and effective rootworm management options for 2021 will be distributed in the next few weeks through OMAFRA, the CCPC, seed providers and others.

In cases where CRW injury to a Bt rootworm hybrid is suspected, growers should report the issue to their seed supplier and inform the executive or provincial members of the Canadian Corn Pest Coalition (CCPC;

Figure 1: Root injury from corn rootworm larval feeding. Jocelyn Smith, UGRC.
Figure 1: Root injury from corn rootworm larval feeding. Jocelyn Smith, UGRC.












Weather Summary

Weekly Weather Summary August 17-23
Location Date Temperature Rainfall Totals
August 17-23 Max Min (mm) Rain GDD0 GDD5 CHU
  °C °C 01-Apr 01-Apr 01-Apr 01-May
Harrow 2020 30 12 2 309 2412 1720 2623
2019 29 11 35 405 2398 1699 2538
Ridgetown 2020 31 9 26 340 2313 1624 2475
2019 29 9 21 535 2271 1574 2391
London 2020 30 9 0 338 2247 1567 2390
2019 29 10 61 513 2176 1500 2310
Brantford 2020 33 8 0 211 2284 1601 2379
2019 30 10 N/A 274 2252 1563 2370
Welland 2020 30 10 3 272 2301 1620 2486
2019 29 12 38 400 2313 1608 2471
Elora 2020 30 7 1 282 2105 1434 2229
2019 28 9 53 411 1785 1166 1850
Mount Forest 2020 29 8 0 396 2083 1423 2244
2019 29 8 N/A 129 2034 1356 2158
Uxbridge 2020 30 8 12 276 2136 1475 2296
2019 29 8 N/A 227 2028 1345 2128
Peterborough 2020 31 5 13 221 2155 1472 2249
2019 28 6 11 345 2024 1341 2058
Trenton 2020 29 9 10 285 2255 1566 2445
2019 28 10 5 359 2235 1528 2365
Kemptville 2020 29 7 83 343 2303 1603 2432
2019 31 11 N/A 203 2141 1453 2208
Earlton 2020 27 10 8 324 1967 1322 2109
2019 30 7 0 349 1693 1087 1773
Sudbury 2020 24 7 33 417 1989 1338 2148
2019 28 8 30 381 1732 1126 1832
Thunder Bay 2020 29 9 1 181 1746 1129 1814
2019 27 6 4 267 1556 968 1575
Fort Francis 2020 28 7 79 289 1862 1227 1947
2019 27 6 0 292 1680 1061 1701
This table developed by OMAFRA using data from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Environment Canada. Max and Min Temps show the extremes that occurred for the 7-day period.