We should be seeing adult rootworm activity very soon so it is the perfect time to put up any CRW sticky traps. If you are new to the CRW Trap Network, Welcome! If you are returning from previous years, there are some new features you should be aware of.
Trap Set Up in Field: Corn on corn fields with a history of Bt-RW hybrids are preferred so that we can detect any potential resistant sites. If you are planning to use the same field as last year…great… just use the same trap site dot that is in the system so we know it’s the same field. It will also help link previous year’s data to those sites so we can see how rootworm numbers change year after year. Trap set up in the field is the same as previous years. Instructions on how to set up the sticky traps in the field can be found here: https://fieldcropnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/2023-Corn-Rootworm-Trap-Network-Instructions-1.pdf
CRW Trap Network: The trap network site link is the same as last year and will be the permanent mapping site for the CRW Trap Network: https://ontarioca11.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=008cd878003f44fca4d8a6b5f0fe7b1c
There is an “Instructions” tab that will take you step by step through the process of adding a trap site and entering weekly trap counts.
A couple important changes have been made to the site:
- When you add or go back the first time to a trap site, you have to fill out the “Field Information” link first before the “Weekly Trap Counts” link will appear in your trap site pop up box. This is so that we get the key information the system needs to calculate the beetles per trap per day (by getting the trap set up date for week one) and the other info we need to finalize the year end reports. Those using the same field as last year still needs to fill out the Field Information for that site so it has the 2023 data.
- Make sure to use a valid email address when entering contact information in the Field Information link. This is because there is a new feature added to the network that will email you a summary of the trap data that you enter each week for your trap sites, so you can keep a copy/record of your trap counts and also see if any errors were entered. If you do happen to make a mistake, email dan.bihari@ontario.ca. He will fix your mistake behind the scenes.
Demonstration Video: Ashley Dean (Education Extension Specialist) at Iowa State put together a demo video to show how to enter trap sites into the system and navigate the maps etc. It can be found here: https://youtu.be/s7BG4OLtDeY.
We are grateful for all those participating in the trap network. It helps us understand where problem fields are and also helps participants see any unexpected injury early while they are walking in the field to their traps. Thanks to both ABSTC (Agricultural Biotechnology Stewardship Technical Committee) and Grain Farmers of Ontario for supplying our traps this year for the network.