Ontario Crop Report – Week of May 30, 2024

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Field Conditions It continues to be a frustrating spring through much of the province. Frequent precipitation has continued to cause delays in tillage, planting, and spraying in some areas, and weather earlier this week has shut down field work once again in many areas. However, with 3–5-day windows of good weather, many producers have covered […]

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July 2018 Forage Report

percent of average rainfall Ontario July 2018

Map shows the percent of average rainfall received across Ontario in July, 2018 Lab analyses indicate that quality decline for first cut was very fast, and test results range from low to very high quality. Producers cutting based on calendar date rather than crop stage may have lower quality forages than expected. Pasture regrowth has […]

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May 2018 Forage Report

precipitation map May 2018

Southwestern: Most alfalfa stands overwintered well; however those on heavy soils and in low-lying areas may have suffered winter injury. New seedings and annual forage acres are expected to increase this year in response to weather conditions over 2016 and 2017. As of May 27th, alfalfa weevils had reached 1st instar. Scouting is advised to identify […]

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Making Soybean Silage

Co-author: Horst Bohner, Soybean Specialist In 2017, wet growing conditions have made it difficult to put up high quality forages. A wet spring delayed planting in many regions, and the cool summer and an early frost may prevent some soybeans from reaching their full potential as an oilseed crop. These circumstances may encourage producers to […]

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Successful Forage Establishment

A successful forage establishment is a uniform, weed free stand that will grow quickly and vigorously to provide high yields during that first year, and for the life of the stand. The most critical factors include packing a firm seedbed and proper seed placement. Seedbed Preparation The goals of forage seedbed preparation are: to produce […]

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Forage Report – June 28, 2012

First-cut hay is being finished while second-cut haylage is complete on some dairy farms. With reduced yields and acres, hay inventories are limited in some areas and record high prices are being reported. There are still reports of armyworm, but it is declining. There were some reports of European skipper feeding damage to forage grasses, […]

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