Ontario Corn Replant Decision Aid Tool

The Ontario corn replant decision aid can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on gocorn.net) Simple Summary Ontario Corn Replant Decision Aid Tool If you’ve had stand issues following planting corn, you’ve maybe wondered whether the field should be left as-is or if there is an economic […]

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Agronomy Guide For Field Crops – Corn – Emergence and Spacing Uniformity, Replant Decisions


Uniformity of Emergence Uniform seeding depth is a critical factor in achieving uniform emergence. Uneven emergence affects crop performance, because competition from larger, early-emerging plants reduces the yield potential of smaller, later-emerging plants. Yields can be reduced by 5% when half the stand suffers from a 7-day delay in emergence and by 12% when half […]

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Ontario Corn Replant Decision Aid

If you are unhappy with your stand of corn and think you may wish to replant, download the Ontario Corn Replant Calculator to assist you in this important decision. Many thanks to Dr. Dave Hooker and Ken Janovicek (Plant Agriculture Department, University of Guelph) for their efforts in putting this tool together. DOWNLOAD: THE ONTARIO […]

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