Herbicide Injury Scenarios in Corn – Ridgetown Diagnostic Day (2014)

The following 10 herbicide injury scenarios in corn were presented at the South West Crop Diagnostic Days on July 9th and 10th, 2014. Each scenario contain 2 corn hyrbids. One that had tolerance to glyphosate (e.g. Roundup) and glufosinate (e.g. Liberty). The other was an Enlist hybrid, that had tolerance to glyphosate (e.g. Roundup), glufosinate (e.g. Liberty), phenoxy herbicides […]

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SYNOPSIS Majority of edible beans are in late vegetative to early flowering.  The crop in many areas looks excellent. Recent heavy rains and saturated soils raises the risk of white mould, anthracnose in white and black beans and root rot.  Leafhopper populations have been low up to now. White Mould :  Fungicides to protect against […]

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Should You Apply a Fungicide for Sclerotinia in Canola

This spring’s challenging planting conditions has resulted in quite a few of uneven canola stands with both reduced  populations and delayed emergence. This has  some growers weighing the merits of applying a fungicide this season.  Sclerotinia incidence varies greatly between fields and years thus making routine spraying of fungicide unprofitable. However when the risk of […]

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Forage Report – July 3, 2014

Some first-cut horse hay is still to be made while many will start second-cut dairy haylage soon. Harvest schedules are delayed behind normal, especially in western Ontario. This may make taking a fourth-cut more difficult. Hay making weather has generally been good, but some hay has been rain-damaged. Yields have been extremely variable, depending on […]

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Italian Ryegrass Forage Options

Italian ryegrass can produce very high quality, leafy, palatable forage suitable for high producing dairy cows. As a cool-season bunch grass, it is best adapted to cool, moist conditions. It does not grow as well in hot, dry summer weather. In Ontario it has been seeded in early spring (April, early-May) for harvesting that year. […]

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Forage Report – June 26, 2014

First-cut haying continues while some 2nd cut dairy haylage will start soon. Hay making weather was generally good in early June, but some more recent storms have rain-damaged some hay. Rains will help 2nd cut regrowth. Yields have been quite variable, ranging from good in eastern Ontario to some winter injured areas in western Ontario […]

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Forage Report – June 19, 2014

First-cut continues with variable yields. Yields are generally good in eastern Ontario. In western Ontario areas where alfalfa winterkill and injury occurred, stands are thin, with many reported yields at 50 – 80% of normal. This has created some concern about producing adequate forage supplies. Considerable acres have been seeded to annual forages such as […]

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Permit herbicide – Guidelines for use in field corn

The recent registration of Permit (active ingredient: halosulfuron) in Ontario provides a nice tool for the management of yellow nutsedge in corn. Permit will also provide residual control of certain broadleaf weeds. For those two reasons, many growers will consider tank-mixing glyphosate and Permit for use in glyphosate tolerant corn. Here are 5 key points to consider when […]

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Forage Report – June 11, 2014

With some dry weather and delayed alfalfa maturity, some high quality 1st-cut hay, haylage and baleage has been made. Yields are quite variable, with some very disappointing yields being reported in western Ontario, but closer to normal yields in the east.   Sulphur Deficiency Some alfalfa is showing the sympton of uniform yellowing, indicating sulphur […]

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What to Watch for in Wheat

Low levels of armyworm, cereal leaf beetles and grass sawflies have been spotted in various wheat fields over the last week. Scout to make sure these don’t get out of hand. With any of these, protecting the flag leaf is most important.  Armyworm and grass sawflies clip the wheat head off too. Armyworm feed at […]

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