Summer Seeding Alfalfa

Summer seeding alfalfa and alfalfa-grass mixtures can be a good way to establish new fields so that full season yields can be harvested the following year. It is typically done after winter wheat or spring cereals are harvested, and also during years when alfalfa winterkill necessitates the quick establishment of new stands. Summer seeding of alfalfa forage mixtures can be […]

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Forage Report – May 23, 2012

Haylage started in full swing on May 21st in some areas. Yields are very disappointing, with two-thirds of a normal yield or less being reported. Some alfalfa fields severely damage by winterkill and disease are being harvested early and planted into corn for silage. Planting as soon as possible and adequate moisture are essential to […]

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Palmerston Crop Consultants Meeting Minutes-May 24th, 2012

Synopsis: Wheat is advancing quickly and many fields at flag leaf stage. Disease pressure is low in most wheat fields. Corn planting is 75%-100% complete. Soybeans are 50-80% planted. Heavy rains and soil crusting  in Arthur-Orangeville-Shelburne area has resulted in some replanting of corn and canola. Edible bean planting has started. Corn: Increased use of pre-emerge herbicide […]

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Johne’s Disease: Should Manure Be Applied To Forages?

Application of manure from animals infected with pathogens is a potential method for spreading infection.  This becomes a higher risk when the manure is applied to crops used for animal consumption. Johne’s (yo-nees) Disease is a persistent and debilitating bacterial disease that affects the intestines of ruminant animals, including cattle, goats and sheep.  The disease […]

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Ontario Corn Replant Decision Aid

If you are unhappy with your stand of corn and think you may wish to replant, download the Ontario Corn Replant Calculator to assist you in this important decision. Many thanks to Dr. Dave Hooker and Ken Janovicek (Plant Agriculture Department, University of Guelph) for their efforts in putting this tool together. DOWNLOAD: THE ONTARIO […]

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Corn Report – May 23, 2012

Corn planting is essentially complete across Ontario other then a small amount of replanting due to emergence/stand issues or where corn is following first cut alfalfa. Use the Replant Decision Aid posted at if considering this where stands are thin. Start with accurate plant counts of the current stand and consider all the replanting economics (crop […]

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Cereal Report – May 23, 2012

Winter wheat is heading rapidly. Wheat west of London will be ready for fusarium sprays by the weekend, with the crop north and east following closely. Stripe rust and high aphid numbers have been found in Chatham-Kent. Scout! Threshold is 50 aphids/stem after heading. Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) symptoms are showing at surprising levels […]

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Edible Bean Report – May 23, 2012

Planting has started with 10 percent in. Soil conditions have been excellent with good soil moisture. Field trials have generally not shown economic response to nitrogen, although applying a small amount of N (30-40 lb/ac) encourages rapid vegetative growth, canopy closure and stimulates root growth which can aid in overcoming stress caused by root rot […]

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Canola Report – May 23rd, 2012

Planting is complete in most areas. April planted canola is at 2-4 leaf stage and advancing rapidly. Plant populations are fair to average (4-8 plants/ft2) with some replanting due to weather related stress and flea beetles. Flea beetle pressure is high in most areas. Sprays have no residual control so scout several days later to […]

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