Mt Forest Agbusiness Meeting

General Progress The weather has held things back the last two weeks. Surprising to the group was how little has been done on corn planting progress since the last meeting. Everyone has been surprised how patient most farmers have been to let the ground get “fit”, as well as for temperatures to warm for fungicide […]

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Winchester AgBreakfast Minutes – April 26, 2016

Conditions: Soil drying up, but below average temperatures are limiting field activity to manure/fertilizer application and forage/spring cereal seeding. Forages: Alfalfa winter survival is good, generally in the 80% plus range. Winterkill is mostly limited to low/poorly drained pockets. The combination of heavy and moisture saturated soils has led to some heaving. Alfalfa fields not […]

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Exeter Agribusiness Minutes

Exeter Agribusiness Minutes April 26, 2016 Malibu Restaurant, Exeter Chair for this meeting was Eric Richter Thank you to Syngenta for sponsoring breakfast. The next meeting will be on May 10th starting at 7:00 am for breakfast (meeting starts at 7:30).  Meetings finish no later than 9:00 am. Synopsis: Corn planting started at the end […]

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