Watch for Black Cutworm Injury

Some US states to our south have been reporting high numbers of black cutworm moths in their pheromone traps and are starting to see some black cutworm injury in newly emerging corn fields.  These moths are carried into Ontario via storm fronts. Once they arrive the adult moths look for weedy patches in fields to […]

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Scout Now for Rootworm Activity in Corn

Authors:  Jocelyn Smith and Andrea Hitchon, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus The time to start scouting corn for corn rootworm has arrived! There are a few important objectives for scouting for rootworm injury including: scouting can help protect yield, plan control measures for next year, and detect potential cases of resistance to Bt traits. The […]

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What to Watch for in Wheat

Low levels of armyworm, cereal leaf beetles and grass sawflies have been spotted in various wheat fields over the last week. Scout to make sure these don’t get out of hand. With any of these, protecting the flag leaf is most important.  Armyworm and grass sawflies clip the wheat head off too. Armyworm feed at […]

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Corn Soil Insect Primer

Early season corn insect pests can significantly impact stand establishment. Below are the main corn seedling pests along with scouting technique, action thresholds and management strategies. (OMAFRA Publication 811, Agronomy Guide, Chapter 13 and Publication 812, Field Crop Protection Guide) Wireworm Description: Wireworms are 7 – 35 mm (1/4 to 1-1/3 inches) long, cylindrical, copper-brown […]

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