Cereal Report – May 30, 2012

Winter Cereals continue their rapid development pace. Most fusarium fungicides will have been applied by June 3.  There will be some harvest in June.  Shortest varieties are those that showed the most freeze injury earlier, indicating that the injury had impact.  Straw is becoming increasingly sought after, with prices in the countryside reaching unprecedented levels.  […]

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Forage Report – May 30, 2012

First-cut is complete in some parts of the province. Yields are very disappointing, particularly in western Ontario. With low yields and low carryover inventories, forage supplies could be tight this year, especially if it remains dry. Hay prices were already at record levels this winter. There are still a few things that can be done […]

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Forage Report – May 23, 2012

Haylage started in full swing on May 21st in some areas. Yields are very disappointing, with two-thirds of a normal yield or less being reported. Some alfalfa fields severely damage by winterkill and disease are being harvested early and planted into corn for silage. Planting as soon as possible and adequate moisture are essential to […]

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Corn Report – May 23, 2012

Corn planting is essentially complete across Ontario other then a small amount of replanting due to emergence/stand issues or where corn is following first cut alfalfa. Use the Replant Decision Aid posted at www.gocorn.net if considering this where stands are thin. Start with accurate plant counts of the current stand and consider all the replanting economics (crop […]

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Cereal Report – May 23, 2012

Winter wheat is heading rapidly. Wheat west of London will be ready for fusarium sprays by the weekend, with the crop north and east following closely. Stripe rust and high aphid numbers have been found in Chatham-Kent. Scout! Threshold is 50 aphids/stem after heading. Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) symptoms are showing at surprising levels […]

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Forage Report – May 16, 2012

Forage yield expectations are variable, but well below normal in many areas. Alfalfa fields severely damage by winterkill and disease are being harvested early and planted into corn for silage. (Planting Corn Silage After Early Haylage Harvest www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/field/forages/corn_earlyhay.htm) Planning to summer seed alfalfa following winter wheat is an option for those that have experienced significant […]

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Pasture Report: May 16, 2012

The warmer temperatures this week have made for faster grass growth. Using a quick rotation to graze all paddocks before the grass becomes mature is important.  In a rotational system look to the last paddock in the rotation and adjust the rotation speed to arrive at the last paddock when it is at the right […]

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Corn Report: May 16, 2012

Corn planting is 95 % complete across the province. Emergence is good to excellent in most areas with the majority of the corn in the 1-3 leaf stage. Weed control should be the priority as the crop approaches the critical 3-4 leaf stage. Cutworm injury has been reported in some areas south of London. Scout fields […]

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Cereal Report: May 18, 2012

Winter cereals are far ahead of normal development. Rye and barley are in full head, advanced wheat fields are at head emergence. Combines need to be ready to harvest two weeks earlier than ever before. Dry weather and low fusarium risk has some growers questioning the need for fusarium control. Remember that the fusarium fungicides Caramba […]

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Forage Report – May 9, 2012

Anticipated yields and maturity of the forage crop is extremely variable across the province. Many alfalfa fields are yellow with dandelions, indicating weak stands and reduced yields. On closer examination by digging plants, many of these fields are experiencing crown and root rots, including brown root rot (www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/field/news/croptalk/2007/ct-1107a9.htm). Risk factors that contributed to weak alfalfa […]

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Soybean Report: May 9, 2012

Planting progress has been slow over the last week although a few areas did make headway.  Less than 10% of the crop has been planted to date.  Soil potassium levels have slipped in Ontario with estimates that up to 20% of Ontario fields may be below ideal levels for soybeans.  Applying potassium in the spring […]

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Pasture Report: May 9, 2012

Warm temperatures and showers will result in rapid growth during the next few weeks. First rotation management will set the stage for remainder of the season.  Leaving 7-10 cm of grass after grazing will allow for rapid regrowth and the development of a strong stand.  Grass based pastures will respond to an early June nitrogen […]

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Corn Report: May 9, 2012

Corn planting ranges from 50 to 95% complete; provincially corn planting is estimated at 80%.  In most areas rainfall has not been intense and soils remain in good shape despite large acreages without significant residue cover.  Corn requires about 180 CHU to emerge.  Corn planted April 16-20 is emerging this week.  Most reports suggest that […]

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