Canadian Bt Corn Trait Tables for 2023

The Canadian Bt Corn Trait Tables have been updated for March 2023. These tables include all registered Bt Corn Trait Packages and indicates which Bt proteins and herbicide tolerant traits they contain and pests they target. These tables also include known resistance status for each pest and Bt protein. English:  Canadian Bt Corn Trait Table […]

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Canadian Bt Corn Trait Tables for April 2021

The Canadian Bt Corn Trait Tables have been updated for April 2021. English:  Canadian Bt Corn Trait Table for April 2021  French: Maïs Bt disponibles au Canada (Avril 2021) For information on which hybrids or products have obtained EU approval, visit the Canadian Seed Trade Association’s corn hybrid database at: Pour plus d’informations sur les hybrides […]

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Western Bean Cutworm Action Thresholds

Many questions are starting to come in regarding WBC.  Just to help clarify what the action thresholds for western bean cutworm are, here is a quick summary: In Corn: Scout 10 plants in a row in 10 areas of the field.  In non-Bt corn or transgenic corn that does not provide any protection against WBC […]

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Cutworm Cutting

Thanks for the Heads-up Bob Buis!  Bob reports that he has seen a field with 5% of the plants cut by cutworm in the Lighthouse Cove (Tilbury) area. Cutting indicates that the cutworm larvae are bigger and more mature and may be difficult to control.  Now that corn fields are emerging, they need to be scouted every […]

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