Anticipated Soil Nitrogen Supply for 2024’s Corn Crop

Field corn at 3 leaf stage, growing despite wet conditions.

Summary: Background: Throughout the growing season, microbes within the soil break down organic nitrogen contained in soil organic matter and crop residues and release it as plant-available ammonium.  This process is known as nitrogen mineralization. Nitrogen mineralization is favoured by warm soil temperatures with adequate soil moisture and aeration.  Excess moisture can slow mineralization or […]

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Ontario Crop Report – Week of May 30, 2024

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Field Conditions It continues to be a frustrating spring through much of the province. Frequent precipitation has continued to cause delays in tillage, planting, and spraying in some areas, and weather earlier this week has shut down field work once again in many areas. However, with 3–5-day windows of good weather, many producers have covered […]

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Crop Report – May 16, 2024

Field Conditions The season continues to be advanced of normal, which is especially evident in perennial and over-winter crop development. Crop heat units (CHU) and growing degree days (GDD) are significantly above the 10-year average, especially in southern Ontario. Progress for field work, particularly on heavier-textured soils has been limited due to frequent patchy rain, […]

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Ontario Corn Nitrogen Calculator

The Ontario Corn Nitrogen Calculator can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on Simple Summary The Corn Nitrogen Calculator Ontario Corn Nitrogen recommendations are derived from the Ontario corn nitrogen database which contains over 40 years of Ontario corn nitrogen yield response data. Current recommendations were […]

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Ontario Corn Replant Decision Aid Tool

The Ontario corn replant decision aid can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on Simple Summary Ontario Corn Replant Decision Aid Tool If you’ve had stand issues following planting corn, you’ve maybe wondered whether the field should be left as-is or if there is an economic […]

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Ontario Corn Committee Hybrid Selector Tool

The Ontario corn committee hybrid selector tool can be accessed by clicking the icon below. (this is the same tool previously posted on Simple Summary Ontario Corn Committee Hybrid Selector Tool The Ontario corn committee hybrid selector tool allows head-to-head comparisons of up to 4 hybrids across years and locations where all selected hybrids […]

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Crop Conditions – Week of May 2nd, 2024

Frequent rains and wet soils across the province have slowed or prevented field work. Soil compaction is likely to be an issue this year, especially for farmers trying to get manure spread ahead of spring planting. Fertilizer has been moving out to farms with storage. Retailers are full and ready to apply product once soil […]

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The Ontario Corn Committee (OCC), the Ontario Cereal Crops Committee (OCCC), the Ontario Pulse Crop Committee (OPCC), and the Ontario Soybean and Canola Committee (OSACC) launched their new website: The new website brings together the four previous crop committee websites under one cohesive banner. Ontario growers rely on third-party variety performance trial information to […]

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Does it work to plant green into cover crops for corn? Five unique Ontario fields in 2023.

A planter operating in a field with tall vegetation.

Planting corn directly into a living cover crop before it is killed by herbicide or tillage is not something that would have been considered 30 years ago. However, with advances in planter technology, herbicide options, and a greater awareness of cover crop benefits to soil health, more growers are doing it. According to the 2022-2023 […]

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