Optimizing the performance of glyphosate in field crops

Reduced supply and increased costs of glyphosate have prompted many to reevaluate how they use this herbicide. The following three questions are most common: […]
Reduced supply and increased costs of glyphosate have prompted many to reevaluate how they use this herbicide. The following three questions are most common: […]
Scentless chamomile has a reputation for being difficult to control and a 2019 on-farm research trial evaluated several herbicide treatments. Although 10 treatments provided over 80% visual control of emerged plants, new seedlings continued to emerge several weeks after application resulting in a significant amount of plants at the end of August. In order to […]
There is some confusion on the approach for managing glyphosate resistant Canada fleabane in soybeans. I provide two scenarios that have been often asked this past winter and their solutions based on the learnings of Dr. Peter Sikkema’s applied research program out of the University of Guelph (Ridgetown campus). Scenario # 1: No-till soybeans with […]
Conditions: Moderate temperatures at the end of winter, combined with limited precipitation minimized spring water runoff and soil erosion. Soil is drying slowly, allowing for only limited field activity to date. Alfalfa: Winter survival generally looks excellent. Alfalfa has 1 to 2 inches of new growth at this point and is showing no sign of […]
Synopsis: 30% of wheat acres have had N applied. Yellow/brown/dead(?) wheat in low areas or on heavy soils from twice normal April rainfall. Few acres of corn planted, some spring cereals and new forage seedings. Winter annual weeds have bolted: control will be difficult (impossible). Soybean cyst nematode sampling project in Huron county: more SCN […]
A beautiful stand of red clover can provide as much as 75 kg of nitrogen per hectare (when at 40 cm tall) for next years corn crop. However, if the clover crop is not “killed off” in the fall, then preparing a suitable seedbed to plant next years crop in is often significantly delayed resulting […]
We in the weed science business are pretty good at telling producer’s to manage perennial weeds in the fall because they are controlled much better. Although its nice to believe without question, quantitative proof is always better. I recently came across a University of Guelph research report from 1977 (I was still in diapers) that […]