Pest Activity For Early August

There are a few pests to keep an eye on over the next few weeks. Western Bean Cutworm We likely reached peak moth flight either last week for most of the southern counties or this week for the rest of the province, except Northern Ontario, based on the Degree Day Prediction Model and trap counts […]

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NEW LINK for the Great Lakes and Maritimes Pest Monitoring Network!

The Great Lakes and Maritimes Pest Monitoring Network (GLMPMN) website has been upgraded and has a new permanent link: Please bookmark this new link and use it going forward to enter any trap sites and trap data. The same link should work well for both desktop browsers and mobile devices. Everything is still the […]

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Field Crop Pest Management in the Absence of Matador, Silencer, Voliam Xpress and Endigo in 2023

Some popular insecticides won’t be available for use in field crops in Ontario in 2023. All products containing lambda-cyhalothrin including Matador, Warrior, Silencer, Labamba, Voliam Xpress and Endigo will be limited for use to only horticulture crops in eastern Canada this year. The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) re-evaluated lambda-cyhalothrin and end use products in […]

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Revised October 2020 – Canadian Bt Corn Trait Tables with Events and Resistance Status

We have revised the Canadian Bt Corn Trait Tables to reflect the current potential cross resistance of corn rootworm in Ontario to all Bt-RW proteins.  Here are the latest versions: English:  Bt Corn Trait Table (October 2020) with Events and Resistance Status  French:  Tableau des caractères Bt (Octobre 2020-Français) – Évènements transgéniques et résistances For information on […]

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