Putting the economics to a three-crop rotation in Ontario: Wheat improves corn and soybean yields and returns

overhead view of small research plots

Co-authored with Ken Janovicek and Dr. Dave Hooker, University of Guelph Highlights By now, you’ve likely heard the message from the long-term rotation trials at Ridgetown and Elora: winter wheat in rotation improves corn and soybean yields. But with greater revenue coming in during corn and soybean years, the real question is whether these yield […]

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National Soil Conservation Week, 2022

no-till soybean field with residue and some slope

The week of April 17-23 is National Soil Conservation Week this year. As the Soil Conservation Council of Canada says, soil is a big deal. It’s the foundation of agriculture. It’s a precious resource and, as I’ve written before, can easily be lost and degraded. To mark this week, I wanted to share some resources […]

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Nitrogen Fertilizer: Does It Help Build Soil Organic Matter?

Co-written by Dr. Laura Van Eerd, Associate Professor, Nitrogen Fertility and Cover Crops, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus Soil organic matter (OM) is the single most important soil health property that you have influence over through your management. Soil OM is all living, dead or long dead (and decomposed) material. Higher soil organic matter translates […]

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Cashcropper App

Cashcropper allows you to compare the net profitability and fertility requirements for different crop rotations within a given field. This app is powered by over 30 years of data on crop yield responses to different rotations from trials conducted by the University of Guelph. The app uses default yield values provided by crop insurance records […]

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Let’s Make Hay

Farmers are full of optimism. Corn and soybean prices hit unprecedented highs in 2011. Although there has been some volatility in the markets, many farmers are responding to high anticipated prices by again increasing their intended acres of corn and soybeans. It’s no secret that there was a loss of forage acreage last year, but […]

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