Wheat Nitrogen Strategies

Wheat yields pushing 150 bu/ac are very possible with good management and increased nitrogen (N) rates.  Recent research clearly shows an interaction between fungicides and nitrogen.  But high nitrogen rates immediately raises questions about lodging, nitrogen source, and application timing.  Wheat’s nitrogen demand is much earlier than corn, so nitrogen management needs to be different.  […]

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Neonicotinoid Contaminated Dust and Pollinator Exposure during Planting; Results from 2013

Research Team: Tracey Baute, OMAF and MRA, Dr. Art Schaafsma, UGRC, Dr. Cynthia Scott-Dupree, UG SES, Dr. Yingen Xue, UGRC, Dr. Victor Limay-Rios, UGRC and Jocelyn Smith, UGRC A summary of the results from our 2013 field study can be found here: Neonicotinoid Contaminated Dust and Pollinator Exposure during Planting; Results from 2013. Though this […]

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New 2014 BMPs for Pollinator Protection and Use of Insecticide Treated Seed

OMAF and MRA and the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) have worked together to develop new Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Pollinator Protection and Responsible Use of Insecticide Treated Seed for the 2014 season.  The new BMPs can be found here: 2014 BMPs for Pollinator Protection and will also available on both of the pollinator […]

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