Alfalfa Winter Injury

By early to mid April, the base of healthy alfalfa plants will have firm buds and numerous new green shoots with 2 to 5 inches (5 to 13 cm) of growth.  Damaged plants, on the other hand, will show no or minimal green-up.  Digging up plants and cutting the root open lengthwise is helpful in […]

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Evaluating Frost Damaged Canola

Canola seedlings can with stand a considerable frost (-5 to -8 0 C) if plants have become acclimatized following a few days of cold temperatures.  However, canola seedlings growing under warm conditions will be tender, and can be killed by even a few degrees below zero. Ice crystals will form on the leaf surface before […]

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2011 Soybean Crop Seasonal Summary

Challenges and opportunities for the 2012 soybean crop Soybean acres continue to increase. Shorter crop rotations will mean soybean growers have to be vigilant in selecting disease resistant varieties, scouting their crop, and applying inputs when required to prevent crop losses resulting from short rotations. Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) can become a problem in short […]

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IP Soys Checklist!

Markets continue to move towards quality assurance through IP production whether for IP soybeans or other crops. There is no standard contract for IP or non-GMO production. Each contract reflects the requirements of the end user. Premiums vary with level of management, cost or production risk. Just as “no one shoe fits all”, producing for […]

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Septoria Brown Spot in Soybean

Septoria Brown Spot in Soybeans Septoria Brown spot  is caused by the fungal pathogen Septoria glyines and under normal conditions, the disease does not cause major yield loss in Canada. Were yield losses have occurred in the past is when the soybean plants are under prolonged stress conditions. This can result in premature defoliation which […]

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Introducing Web-based Refuge Selector Tool

Co-Author: Cara McCreary, and Jocelyn Smith, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus The Canadian Corn Refuge Hybrid Selector is a web-based tool that has been developed through collaboration of the Canadian Corn Pest Coalition, the Ontario Corn Committee, and the Canadian Seed Trade Association to provide all the information needed to follow up-to-date insect resistance management (IRM) […]

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Comparing Herbicide Programs in Identity Preserved (IP) Soybean

Co-Authors: Dr. Peter Sikkema, Dr. Clarence Swanton & Dr. François Tardif (University of Guelph) Field studies at Elora and Woodstock have evaluated soybean herbicide treatments based on their weed control efficacy and the yield protection they provided. Important differences were found among those treatments (Table 1). Table 1. Average visual control of broadleaf and grassy […]

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Monitoring Early Crop Development

Challenging planting conditions could affect crop emergence and early development. Additionally, a significant portion of the corn and soybean acreage was planted with limited opportunity for pre-emergence herbicide application. These factors will increase the importance of early crop scouting and staging to assess stands establishment and determine proper timing of post-emergence herbicide application. Stand Establishment […]

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